What Kind Of Utopia Do You Want?

The left likes pain free utopias (why should anyone suffer?). The right likes painful ones (how else can you learn?). A middle way would be nice.
Cross Posted at Power and Control






3 responses to “What Kind Of Utopia Do You Want?”

  1. Will Avatar

    One where I can actually own property instead of lease it from the tax authorities.

  2. Steve Skubinna Avatar
    Steve Skubinna

    Of course, Utopia literally means “nowhere.”
    Samuel Butler was a bit more obvious and named his Utopia “Erewhon” (Geddit, huh? Huh?)
    My guess is that the original proponents of these fantasies knew they were unattainable and were giving a wink to their readers through the names. Sadly, those following are not in the joke.

  3. max Avatar

    while the ou-topia (not place) is part of the etymolgy I am confident Moore also coined the name from eu-topia (good place). It makes a nice linguistic play on words that it would have been obvious to Moore.