The Muslim Brotherhood Liked Me

With the Muslim Brotherhood so much in the news because of Egyptian happenings and Instapundit’s reprise of a 2005 Michael Totten piece I thought I would repeat a blog conversation we had in 2007.
I got a link from The Muslim Brotherhood. I asked Michael Totten if this was a good or a bad thing. He replied:

Considering which post they linked to, it is neither good nor bad.
The MB tries to put on a moderate face. And they are moderate compared with, say, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hezbollah. But they are only really moderate compared with the armed factions. They aren’t our friends.

My response to him was

Thanks for the reply. And you got it exactly right on the mark. Brilliant.
What they linked to was:
I Found A Moderate Muslim

Which is to say they were trying to moderate their image without moderating their behavior.
Cross Posted at Power and Control



