Month: November 2010

  • Libertareconomics 101

    A few thoughts and links on libertarian economics: von Mises was certainly groundbreaking and is definitely worth studying, though he hurt his credibility with the failed prediction that the pound would collapse. Schiff hasn’t exactly covered the Austrians with glory either, repeatedly predicting the collapse of the dollar. Hayek and Friedman tended to be both…

  • Did I impose on PETA last night?

    Last night I ate barbecued pork for dinner in a nice Japanese restaurant here in Ann Arbor. Normally, it wouldn’t occur to me that by ordering and eating and paying for that meal I was using, exploiting, or imposing on anyone. After all, I got the meal, the restaurant got the $16.00 it cost, and…

  • Libertarianism is dictatorial collectivism. And freedom is slavery.

    Sharron Angle is being widely ridiculed for saying that “sometimes dictators have good ideas.” Seems she praised the wrong dictator: Angle invoked Pinochet’s name when discussing Social Security privatization: “She had previously used Chile’s Augusto Pinochet’s experiment as an example, but had not used it since her staff shut her down,” Ralston writes. “That day,…

  • Letter To A Friend

    As you know the abortion discussion has been going hot and heavy here in the last few days. I have written a fair number of posts on the subject lately. Abortion Prohibition is a good example of the discussion. And of course the subject spills over into my e-mail box. So I wrote a letter…

  • Sick of whatever I’m sick of, but how sick!

    I’m in a quandary. Again! There’s an issue I am tired of writing about that I feel obliged to write about. That alone wouldn’t be such a big deal, except that the last time I admitted I was tired of an issue, some commenters were mightily annoyed. One opined that if I am tired of…

  • This Is An Order

    Is Obama planning to rule by executive order? Ulsterman thinks so. And he has some evidence. John Podesta of the George Soros funded Center for American Progress is now urging President Obama to side step Congressional approval and simply utilize executive authority to move forward with sweeping reforms Podesta deems necessary for the good of…

  • A Split

    Around 1930 or so the Progressive movement split into left and right factions. And they HATE each other. And their end is the same: Power and Control. Pretty cool huh? BTW Left and Right Progressives brought you alcohol prohibition. Billy Sunday ring a bell? I found the reviews of this book interesting: A Fierce Discontent:…

  • You’re not special, but WE are — an open letter to President Obama

    Dear President Obama, I know there has been a lot of discussion on your remarks that American exceptionalism is the same as Greek exceptionalism or any other nation’s “exceptionalism.” I don’t mean to pile on and I hate to be rude, and I know I’m more than a day late to this and far more…

  • Abortion Prohibition Enforcement

    Warning. The above video is quite disturbing. I couldn’t watch it all. Let me add that the link to the video was sent to me by Eric my blog master at Classical Values. Here is a question for all my “the government must do something about abortion” friends: How do you prevent abortion enforcement from…

  • The Drug War Exception

    There is a heck of a lot of complaining about the latest body groping rules implemented by the TSA. The thing is we gave up ownership of our bodies a long time ago when we let urine screening for employment pass without a murmur. All for the greater good to be sure. The Drug War…

  • Is Sarah Palin Good Or Is She Lucky?

    Is Sarah Palin good or is she lucky? That is the question being asked by will45 at NewsFlavor. How to tell if it is luck: Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. Ten times? I think an attack by superior forces is in progress. Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • The American Sphinx

    American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson – A Film by Ken Burns H/T Intangible Materiality. Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • What are those awful bigoted Arizonans smoking?

    As Arizona has been much demonized lately, and is being subjected to a boycott, news that doesn’t fit the “bigoted state” narrative is being under-reported. So there wasn’t much national attention paid to the fact that on November 2, Arizona’s “bigoted” voters approved Proposition 203, which made Arizona the 15th state to approve a medical…

  • Remedial Political Science

    The libertarians are the difference between winning and losing national elections. The news covers this up by calling them independents. But where do the independents stand? Less government. Government out of the wallet and out of the bedroom. To keep a coalition together you have to allow the tail to wag the dog. Without the…

  • Who has the fear advantage?

    One of the reasons I envy religious conservatives is that they don’t have to live in a constant state of fear the way the rest of us turkeys do. Now, I know I can’t speak for all of them, but for many religious people there is only one fear that matters, and that is the…

  • Does freedom to sin violate religious freedom?

    I get very tired of discussing the, um, “social issues.” Fortunately for me, M. Simon always seems to have plenty of stamina at about the same time I run out of steam. Anyway, right now there is a very determined effort in some quarters to make the social issues Tea Party issues. This is problematic,…

  • Till death panels us do part!

    Saying “I guess Palin wasn’t wrong after all,” a friend emailed me a video link about Paul Krugman and death panels, Watch it and weep. And if you’re having the same “deja vu all over again” feeling that I’m having, that’s only because there is nothing new about Paul Krugman channeling Sarah Palin. As I…

  • Publish 7

    Once again, ignore

  • Publish Again 6


  • Publish Again
