Month: June 2010

  • Can’t? Or won’t?

    Many people are reacting to President Obama’s latest encounter with a fly; the incident caused Ann Althouse to “reminisce about the time when Obama seemed to have superhuman power.” Ditto here. Well maybe microditto. Certainly it is beyond dispute that our president did once have the power to swat flies…. Now, our president (whom a…

  • As the remarkable becomes unremarkable…

    I often read things that bother me. Sometimes they are opinions with which I disagree, and other times they involve inaccuracies. Usually, I forget all about them, but sometimes, an item will still be bothering me the next day, and this is one of them. I did a bit of a doubletake when I read…

  • Tariffs

    Commenter simentt at my post Got An Old Hard Drive? tells me about a campaign going on in Norway to reduce the costs of goods imported to Norway. Do you eBay? There is a small campaign (Organized by the libertarian magazine ‘Farmann‘, apparently on Facebook) going on to have people eBay all kinds of stuff…

  • Got An Old Hard Drive?

    Amazon is selling for a very reasonable price (currently $27.93) a hard drive to USB adapter that is just wonderful for extracting data from old hard drives or using a new hard drive for an emergency backup. I don’t recommend it for use as a permanent USB drive as it doesn’t come with a case.…

  • His Allies Are Deserting Him

    A promo for an article on the Gulf oil spill at Rolling Stone is entitled: The Spill, The Scandal and the President: How Obama let BP get away with murder. No wonder my friend Eric at Classical Values thinks the Resident would like to be doing something else besides being President. Like parties, golfing, and…

  • Greedy

    We hear a lot about how greed is ruining _____ (fill in the blank). In other words: Definition of greedy: anyone who has more than you do. OK I’ll play. Governments are the greediest bastards on earth. Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • This awful spill was caused by greed!

    When I read about the Obama $7.00 a gallon gasoline “Global Warming” agenda, my reaction to the “plan” was to exclaim, “I’m beginning to think that these people don’t want to get reelected!” I didn’t want to write a post, though, for I’m worried that the direction of the “spill spin” is still undetermined, and…

  • Flying in the face of zero tolerance

    The previous post about the kid who was forbidden to wear a hat with plastic toy soldiers on it illustrates a problem which won’t go away. Although the principal announced he would try to change the policy to allow images of guns if carried by soldiers and police officers, it is not entirely clear that…

  • Can You Believe It?

    Note that the gentleman being interviewed is an Obama supporter if you can judge by the above conversation. He says Obama was not born in Hawaii. He also says those that don’t like Obama are racists. Here is what he had to say: There is no birth certificate,” he said. “It’s like an open secret.…

  • A Child’s Heroes

    The picture is from Curmudgeonly & Skeptical. The above is a proud Palestinian child. Eric at Classical Values discusses the resurgence of Nazi Politics in the Middle East. I too have posted a few times on the subject. Then there is my post: The Nazis of the Middle East. The Baath Party which runs Syria…

  • Put The Navy In Charge

    Let us get the bad news out of the way first. The Resident has put a part timer in charge of oil spill operations. And of course the Resident is defending that decision. Can the man who President Obama has tapped to formulate a long-term Gulf Coast restoration plan work only part-time on such a…

  • DVD Sale

    I just came across a real deal for recordable DVDs at Amazon. Sixteen and a half cents each (roughly). And not some off brand. These are made by Sony (or at least carry their brand). Sony DMR 47RS4 – 30 x DVD-R – 4.7 GB ( 120min ) 16x – spindle – storage media Let…

  • Which things are more worth dying for?

    There’s an old rule of polite society to “never discuss religion or politics,” and the reason is that people get emotional about such things, and take them personally. Hurt feelings result, and even occasional fights. In view of what went on in Los Angeles recently, I’m wondering whether the rule should be amended to include…

  • Simon

    You can also see the video at an Israeli site. Learn more about Urban Warfare. H/T Diogenes via e-mail Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • Only a hateful bigot would be intolerant of Hitler!

    Via Jamie Glazov, I found a link to a truly appalling video in which a UCSD student makes light of the charge that the Muslim Student Association hosted a “Hitler Youth Week,” and after questioning, finally expresses approval of a second Holocaust: David Horowitz: “I am a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that…

  • Jonesing

    And where does the term “jonesing” come from? From the Grateful Dead. And the song? Casey Jones. Introduced here by Bill Graham who talks about “all the shit that has gone down.” No shit. Grateful Dead Stuff Oh. Yeah. A few words on how the Jones Act is hampering cleanup in the Gulf. H/T Jccarlton…

  • Public Morality – Private Corruption

    Russell Roberts discusses the perverse incentives that motivate politicians. This wiggle room for politicians in a democracy leads to some strange outcomes. It allows politicians to do the right thing and the wrong thing at the same time. How is that possible? We shall see below. Even stranger, the imperfect information available to voters can…

  • Emasculating bullying mitten? Or oppressed and harassed shark?

    With the aid of a geographical map, Ann Althouse makes a plausible argument that Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (a.k.a “da U.P.” — where the inhabitants call themselves “Yoopers”) appears to have been stolen from Wisconsin by Michigan: That is ours, baby. It’s like that mitten is reaching up there an yanking off our manhood. And speaking…

  • Vandalism, naturally?

    I don’t know whether to cal this independent investigative journalism or pure self indulgence, but I have noticed an interesting discrepancy in the reporting of a local story, and as I possess additional relevant evidence (which the local authorities probably wouldn’t appreciate), I don’t know what to do with it other than to put it…

  • Making history disappear? In school?

    While the deliberate censorship of toy soldiers with guns is not a new topic on this blog, I see that those I characterized as “decadent bureaucrats” in an earlier post just keep on doing it: PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Christan Morales said her son just wanted to honor American troops when he wore a hat to…