Month: March 2010

  • Forces Of Drug Prohibition Won Big

    The forces of drug prohibition won a big case that will reverberate in the fight against the health care bill. They won it in 2005 in the Supreme Court. Read it and weep. Lawsuits from 14 states challenging the constitutionality of the new national healthcare law face an uphill battle, largely due to a far-reaching…

  • The New Iraq Emerges

    Historians may well mark this as the moment Iraq entered a new phase of existence, beginning to enter the Western world the way South Korea and Japan did after U.S. occupations: BAGHDAD – The secular challenger who stunned Iraq with his razor-thin parliamentary election win turned his attention to negotiations over a future government Saturday…

  • Gay director maligned — by culture war bigots!

    Has the Culture War come full circle? I’ve pondered the question in some recent posts, but a story I read about today makes me seriously wonder. A friend emailed me link to a story in the New York Times “Arts Beat Culture at Large” section titled “Protests and Defense of a Transgender Comedy at Tribeca…

  • Libertarians should be shocked! But should they be electrocuted?

    In a post which shrilly and gratuitously indicts libertarians, a leading left-wing blog looks at a Seattle outrage in which the cops improperly tasered a woman over her refusal to sign simple traffic ticket: Three Seattle police officers were justified when they used a stun gun on a pregnant mother who refused to sign a…

  • A proactive (not reactive) approach to guilt by association

    In the latest anti-government outrage which no one has been able to conclusively prove is not somehow associated with the Tea Party Movement, there has been a brutal attack on a police car. A pit bull mix in Tennessee has been sentenced to obedience training after his dogged attack on a local police car. Winston…

  • Waste Fraud And Abuse

    Remember a few days back when I posted about the trouble with police crime labs? Well I have more evidence. San Francisco prosecutors told judges Friday that they could not “ethically go forward” with 46 narcotics trials because of evidence problems arising out of the scandal at the Police Department’s drug-analysis lab – signaling that…

  • Repeal It Or Feel It

    I saw this at Vanderleun’s American Digest. Dymphna at Gates of Vienna whose mate Baron Bodissey did the artwork says steal it. Post it far and wide. Dennis The Peasant has this to say: …because Obamacare incentivizes non-coverage by imposing employer fines for non-coverage that are far less than the cost of offering health insurance,…

  • Communication is communicable!

    Speaking of making unfair associations, it has come to my attention that Facebook is associated with a rise in syphilis. No really: Professor Peter Kelly, director of public health in Teesside, claimed staff had found a link between social networking sites and the spread of the bacteria, especially among young women. He said: “Syphilis is…

  • To a Truther, denial of a false charge is proof of guilt!

    What does it take these days to rebut or debunk a lie? Maybe I am living on another planet from some of my fellow citizens, but I thought the claim that Tea Party protesters shouted the N-word at a congressman had been thoroughly debunked by people who simply took time to review the numerous videos…

  • Those quiet and discreet violent libertarian thugs!

    I’ve been writing this blog for nearly seven years, and one of the reasons I started it was because I was tired of the “EITHER YOU’RE A LIBERAL OR YOU’RE A CONSERVATIVE” dichotomy. It what has always struck me as a process of collusion, libertarians were simply written out of the equation. Since the election…

  • Clearing Up Misconceptions

    Rick Nebel who is in charge of the Polywell Experiments at EMC2 comments on Alan Boyle’s article on progress in Fusion Power on MSNBC’s Cosmic Log. As usual, I seem to have created some misconceptions by my comments. First of all, what we said on our website is that the work on the WB-7 has…

  • Change Prohibition Policy

    The Wall Street Journal interviews a Drug War observer who says that changing our policy of Prohibition is a viable alternative to the Drug War. Cross Posted at Power and Control

  • Voting For Socialism

    If the audio wasn’t exactly clear this should make it plainer: Reverend Al Sharpton told Fox News: “I think that this began the transforming of the country where the President had promised. This is what he ran on.” When the interviewer interjected that many view the vote as a step towards socialism, Sharpton didn’t skip…

  • Commonsense Conservatives

    Sarah Palin has a new Facebook up. We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people. We’re going to fire them and send them back to the private sector, which has been shrinking thanks to their destructive government-growing policies. Maybe when they join the millions of…

  • A funny thing happened when I said “hi” to a nice family dog

    While it’s hardly a crisis (and in the light of the Obamacare atrocity it may seem downright frivolous), the more I think about a seemingly minor annoyance yesterday, the more it deserves a post, as I think it sheds light upon the downright despicable mentality of activists. A neighboring family consists of a husband and…

  • Sometimes The Science Is A Crime

    An interesting report on bad science in crime labs. Let us consider something we used to teach our sophomores – lead smelting and refining. Almost all lead occurs as sulfide ores that contain lesser amounts of other metals. Smelting removes the sulfur and refining removes most of minor elements, notably gold, silver and copper. The…

  • Viagra For Sex Offenders?

    The Republicans are getting really diabolical. I mean besides Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. They are going to make Democrats vote in favor of dick stiffeners for sex offenders. On Tuesday, the GOP put its strategy into action, with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okl.) introducing an amendment beyond agreeable. Titled “No Erectile Dysfunction Drugs To Sex…

  • The frightening future has arrived. And it’s a rube awakening!

    Abe Greenwald likens the unbelievable nature of our present predicament to one of those tales of a frightening possible future. Problem is, the nightmare is true: …we’re living in one of those clever political columns written as an over-the-top straight story from a frightening future. “After seizing the American automobile industry almost a year ago,…

  • Polywell – No BS – No Excuses

    Alan Boyle’s Cosmic Log has a new article up on Polywell Fusion. You won’t hear Rick Nebel talking about fusion as a challenge requiring billions of dollars and decades of experimentation. For the past couple of years, Nebel heads up a handful of researchers following the less-traveled path to fusion at EMC2 Fusion Development Corp.…

  • Obamanocchio

    Sorry for such an unoriginal post title, but I guess the nose grows. By signing the health care bill today, President Barack Obama did what he specifically and repeatedly said during his campaign that he would not do. He imposed an individual mandate. This was quite a topic during the hard-fought primary campaign between Barack…