Redneck Racist Tea

The election in 2010 will be most amusing. And 2012 is going to be the height of hilarity.
About 1/2 the electorate is apathetic about politics. If 20% of them decide to participate in the next election due to taxes and inflation…..
My first mate didn’t want to vote for the Black Man for two reasons.
1. Disagreements about political philosophy.
2. All political questions would be turned into arguments about racism.
I think re: #2 she was on to something.
H/T Jccarlton
Cross Posted at Power and Control






2 responses to “Redneck Racist Tea”

  1. Penny Avatar

    I happened to catch this live, and I tell you that my mouth just dropped open. Even Keith Olbermann seemed to me to be putting physical distance between him and his guest.

  2. Zordran Avatar

    In 2004,I watched a man confront a small mob of angry hippies protesting something or other, and, while he was mostly just a loudmouth, he did say one completely brilliant thing,
    “Why does it always come down to sex with you people?”
    It’s particularly ironic that she talks about how “their limbic [‘animal’ or ‘lizard’] brain is enlarged…” while this little screed is bracketed by the word “teabaggers.”