Missouri break

Today I drove from Albuquerque, NM to Joplin, MO — a distance of some 800 miles.
800 miles a day and pretty soon you’re racking up real mileage — and not just on the car. I’m simply exhausted. Closing my red, sore, eyes makes me see moving traffic.
I’m still hoping against hope that the “clipper” storm in the Midwest peters out, but I’ll find out tomorrow.
By the way, I took a picture when I crossed the border from Oklahoma to Missouri. It looked interesting, but I had no idea it was this wild!
I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it on my own camera.
I mean, my eyes may play games with me, but surely cameras don’t lie.
MORE: Finally, some music to die for!
Here’s another great oldie I heard earlier in the car that’s still ringing in my ears.

(It’s “Adam & Eve” by The Mystics, recorded in 1958. Paul Simon joined the group a couple of years later.)






5 responses to “Missouri break”

  1. Larry Sheldon Avatar
    Larry Sheldon

    When you have been driving long hours, particularly at night, don’t jump in bed immediately, no matter how tired you are.
    Read, or stare out the window (do NOT watch television) for a while.
    The muscles in your eyes get a rythtm going from the on-coming headlights and the passing scenery–rest them and let them wind down before you turn the lights of and try to sleep.

  2. dr kill Avatar
    dr kill

    Did OK City look oh so pretty?

  3. Penny Avatar

    NEVER confuse the journey with the destination.

  4. Larry Sheldon Avatar
    Larry Sheldon

    I almost never enjoy the destination as much as I do the journey.

  5. Penny Avatar

    No, Larry?
    DAMMIT! Please don’t tell me that once I get to where I was heading I need to head back out again?
    Eric, honey? Larry is suggesting your road trip is FAR from over. If he’s right? Maybe you should just hang out in Joplin and save yourself some mileage. 😉
    Not a bad thought actually. Hunker down.
    Observe more; speak less.