A Mutiny At Cawnpore

Sgt. Mom writes about some history she learned in her travels in the English countryside and its implications for the current troubles in Mumbai.
Not for the faint of heart or those with delicate sensibilities. But not much that has gone on in India the last few days is.
Cross Posted at Power and Control






One response to “A Mutiny At Cawnpore”

  1. Fritz Avatar

    Good article. As soon as I read “British military museum” and “baby cap” I knew what was coming. I just read “Quest for Kim” which had a lot of ugly details of the Mutiny and even uglier details of partition.
    IMO there are two outcomes, one much uglier than the other. The less-ugly one is that the Pakistani government decides that this has gone too far and cleans house ruthlessly — with an understanding from India backed up by the US that nothing will happen on the border so that all the troops can be used.
    The uglier one is if the Pakistani government does not clean house.