Diplomacy By Other Means

I was visiting Althouse and came across this comment by a guy bashing Republicans:

They prefer war to diplomacy

Just anther instance of the left not getting it.
War is diplomacy by other means – Clauzwitz.
See, it works like this – if you have a carrot and a stick you can accomplish more than if you have a carrot alone.
And if all you have is a carrot and the other guy has a stick you are at a serious disadvantage. Such a situation is referred to as appeasement.
H/T Instapundit
Cross Posted at Power and Control






6 responses to “Diplomacy By Other Means”

  1. Assistant Village Idiot Avatar

    I often wonder if people who write stuff like that actually think about what they are saying or just spout off something that sounds like a Really Telling Point. Even warlike nations spend lots of time on diplomacy. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all relied heavily on it. Is this writer claiming in all sanity that Republicans fall below that standard?
    It smacks of moral self-congratulation: “I’m a patient, intelligent, nonviolent person who has seen a better way.” Yeah, those monks slaughtered in Burma thought so too.

  2. Bleepless Avatar

    Those with senses of humor — conservatives — will appreciate the only truly wise statement ever made by Al Capone: “A kind word and a gun will get you a lot further than a kind word and no gun.” Now watch the pinkos hyperventilate.

  3. M. Simon Avatar

    Excellent. However I think the quote is:
    “You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”

  4. tim maguire Avatar
    tim maguire

    AVI, crazy as it may seem, at least some on the left seriously believe it. Republicans love and war and blowing shit up for big oil. A fair number of lefties in my community think that the best way to envision a Republican is to think of the worst things someone might do for money and assume those are what Republicans do for fun.

  5. Gringo Avatar

    As a Conscientious Objector ( 1-O) during the Vietnam War who was shocked out of my beliefs by the genocide in Cambodia, my reply to the peace-lovers is: Peace Had A Chance. It Didn’t Work.

  6. Bilwick1 Avatar

    If the other guy has a stick, and you have just a carrot, and you bend over and invite the other guy to sodomize you, first with his stick and then with your carrot while calling out, “Please,sir, may I have another?” you’re probably a Kos Kid.