A Wright-wing conspiracy?

In what probably won’t shock most seasoned political junkies, it appears very possible that Jeremiah Wright’s troublemaking conference yesterday at the National Press Club was set up by a Clinton supporter:

Shortly before he rose to deliver his rambling, angry, sarcastic remarks at the National Press Club Monday, Wright sat next to, and chatted with, Barbara Reynolds.
A former editorial board member at USA Today, she runs something called Reynolds News Services and teaches ministry at the Howard University School of Divinity. (She is an ordained minister).
It also turns out that Reynolds – introduced Monday as a member of the National Press Club “who organized” the event – is an enthusiastic Hillary Clinton supporter.
On a blog linked to her Web site- www.reynoldsnews.com- Reynolds said in a February post: “My vote for Hillary in the Maryland primary was my way of saying thank you” to Clinton and her husband for the successes of Bill Clinton’s presidency.
The same post criticized Obama’s “Audacity of Hope” theme….

(Via Glenn Reynolds, who also links a report that the same “Barbara Reynolds” invited Wright to the Press Club two years ago.)
There’s more, including some devastating criticism of Pastor Wright.
Hmmm…. Maybe I should rethink what I said yesterday about Wright being on his best behavior.
While I’m in conspiracy mode, does anyone know for sure that this Jeremiah Wright is really a 100% Obama supporter, and that he always has been?
What about this?
It was widely linked, but quickly forgotten. Might there be more going on there than is commonly suspected? (Who or what is Bubba pointing at?)
If I really got into full-blown conspiracy mode, I might start wondering whether the entire Wright-Obama pageant wasn’t orchestrated in advance to make Hillary look like the most centrist Democrat in history.
And hell I might as well push my full-blown conspiracy mode into overdrive, and ask another hellish question.
Why is Glenn Reynolds going out of his way to deny that he is related to Barbara Reynolds?
MORE: The plot deepens. Glenn Reynolds has all but admitted that the photo is true, which ought to stop all speculation in the comments about authenticity. (Of the photo; not the turkey; I see there’s already been speculation over whether it’s plastic.)
This narrows my area of inquiry to what did he know, and when did he know it?
Welcome all!






13 responses to “A Wright-wing conspiracy?”

  1. JohnAnnArbor Avatar

    Oh, c’mon. Look at that photo! He was just the caterer. Just a sideline business for poverty-stricken law professors who can’t get by on just one income.

  2. Jay Manifold Avatar

    Is that a plastic turkey?

  3. Sam Avatar

    That was my first thought too, Jay: fake turkey.

  4. tim maguire Avatar
    tim maguire

    Is that so? Just before giving his speech, Wright sat next to a Clinton supporter. And even talked to her! And she’s a member of the group that organized the event!
    Well, sounds like a solid case to me. She turned him. In those few jocular moments before he got up to talk, she convinced him to turn Benedict Arnold and do Obama in.

  5. Delta Avatar

    The image is a horrible Photoshop job and “Bubba” is making fun if it.

  6. Denny, Alaska Avatar
    Denny, Alaska

    I think Bubba is saying something about Glenn’s choice of plaid.
    Just saying

  7. David D Avatar
    David D

    I can tell it’s a fake photo. If it were real, Glenn wouldn’t be holding a turkey, he’d be holding a puppy. . . and a blender.
    It’s the little details that always trip them up.

  8. michaelyi Avatar

    “…orchestrated in advance to make Hillary look like the most centrist Democrat in history…”
    Wow. What a slam on JFK, Sen. “Scoop” Jackson, and Sen. Sam Nunn!! Oh wait, Sen. Nunn recently endorsed Barak Obama — OMG, the Democrat Party is full of… commies!

  9. Chris Avatar

    “I can tell it’s a fake photo. If it were real, Glenn wouldn’t be holding a turkey, he’d be holding a puppy. . . and a blender.”
    It was the holiday season. He had prepared a Reynolds holiday (festivus?) tradition – the Tur-PUP-en.

  10. reliapundit Avatar

    it’s a plastic turkey!

  11. John Avatar

    The best explanation I’ve heard to date about the Rev’s behavior is from John Dvorack (http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=17546)
    Obama insulted him (disrespected, if you will) in that major Philadelphia speech about race by associating him with an old white woman who he implied was a little off her rocker. I personally do not like Wright from what I?ve seen, but I can understand his deciding to now screw over Obama to teach him a lesson about respect.
    And we’ve just found out that Mr. Obama can indeed disown Wright and (I hope) not disown his own grandmother. Maybe Mr. Obama will learn some diplomacy after having to eat his words.

  12. Penny Avatar

    You can’t be serious here? Glenn invited us over for turkey. What the heck else do you want?
    Could you just sit down and shut up while I eat? PLEASE?

  13. flicka47 Avatar

    Plastic Turkey????
    Bubba’s a Plastic Turkey?
    That explains the 90’s!!!!!