A God For Us

Dr. James Hal Cone is one of the leading lights behind the Black Liberation Theology that Obama’s Pastor Rev. Wright espouses. Here is some of what he believes:

* “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.”
* “All white men are responsible for white oppression.”
* “While it is true that blacks do hate whites, black hatred is not racism.”
* “Theologically, Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man “the devil.””
* “The black theologian must reject any conception of God which stifles black self-determination by picturing God as a God of all peoples.”
* “We have had too much of white love, the love that tells blacks to turn the other cheek and go the second mile. What we need is the divine love as expressed in black power, which is the power of blacks to destroy their oppressors, here and now, by any means at their disposal.”

The more you know about Rev. Wright’s theology the less you like it, except in some circles.
Go Obama!
You might also like Liberation Theology and this video of James Cone in his own words.
Cross Posted at Power and Control






11 responses to “A God For Us”

  1. alphie Avatar

    Can Jews and Christians intermarry in Israel yet, M.?

  2. M. Simon Avatar

    I have no idea alphie. However, if you have access to Google I’m sure you can look it up and report back to us.
    BTW can Jews live in Saudi Arabia?
    And what does any of that have to do with the USA?

  3. M. Simon Avatar

    Alphie, are you suggesting that because some countries have bad policies that we should adopt them in the USA?
    Did I mention that my first mate was a Christian?

  4. alphie Avatar

    So much for being an expert on Jewish political issues, eh?

  5. Assistant Village Idiot Avatar

    It’s rather like a Monty Python sketch of the bishop interviewing a bizarre prospective vicar.

  6. Socrates Avatar

    Nice non sequitur, alphie. Perhaps you can next direct the conversation toward whether the Pope is a former Nazi or if John Wilkes Booth acted alone.

  7. alphie Avatar

    Israel is America’s largest welfare recipient, Soc.
    And Dead-eye Dick was just in Israel pledging to defend it no matter what the cost.
    Seeing as you guys are so upset about black religion, should we be defending a country whose religious intolerance makes the Rev. Wright look like Billy Graham?

  8. M. Simon Avatar

    Fact free as usual. Arabs are part of the body politic in Israel. Jews are not even allowed in Saudi Arabia. Yet we defend both.
    Why? It is in our interest. Israel does science for the US. Microsoft. Intel. Medical science. Military science. Haifa as a port of call for the US Fleet. The Saudis have oil.
    You are looking for a perfect world alphie. I’d be satisfied with small progress towards a better one.
    BTW if Israeli Christians want to marry Israeli Jews and it is not allowed in Israel (I haven’t confirmed this have you? drop a link) America would open its doors. And have you looked at the divorce laws in Israel? Women are discriminated against. Of course Saudi Arabia is much worse.
    I’d worry about Israel once we bring Saudi Arabia up to Israeli standards. It is a matter of priorities.
    As to foreign welfare recipients. We give Egypt almost as much and they don’t even like us. Buying friends is as old as the Republic. You act like it started yesterday. It may be wise in some cases and unwise in others but, we have always done it. Buying off enemies and supporting friends is often cheaper than the alternatives.
    In any case alphie – keep coming back ya hear.

  9. M. Simon Avatar

    And why Wright and not Egypt? I think it is up to America to set an example. Besides I don’t vote in Egyptian elections.

  10. Socrates Avatar

    Better find some suspenders, because your antisemitism is showing.
    What’s this all about, alphie? You attempt to defend Rev Wright by pointing to alleged religious intolerance by someone else. Guess what? To be a Jewish homeland is what Israel is for. To preach racial division may or may not be Reverend Wright’s purpose or that of the black wing of the Christian Church, but it’s clearly incompatible with Obama’s professed desire for racial unity.

  11. Assistant Village Idiot Avatar

    “non sequitor, alphie…”
    Redundant, socrates.