If it takes Obama….

Ann Althouse links Michael Crowley’s discussion of David Duke’s rather nonchalant reaction to the presidential race. Apparently, the hard-core racists don’t know which candidate would best suit their agenda:

Amazingly, some commenters on racist websites are already debating the grim choice between Obama and McCain.

I don’t think that’s especially amazing. For the conspiracy theory minded, it’s standard fare. Many conspiracy-minded types are in a constant state of agitation over the refusal of the general public to see “the truth,” and thus, in their paranoid minds, they imagine that it might just take a black president to “wake up” those they imagine are “sleeping” (in this case, the oppressed white masses).
All events and crises are seen from the vantage of whatever conspiracy they believe lies at the center of all evil, and are plugged in accordingly. If the Jews, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Skull and Bones, etc. (name your group) want to destroy America, then anything which makes the case for conspiracy more obvious is worth supporting. (In Obama’s case, a black president.)
Thus, while it seems like a paradox, conspiracy theorists can end up tactically supporting the very conspiracies they claim threaten America.






2 responses to “If it takes Obama….”

  1. Assistant Village Idiot Avatar

    Re: Conspiracy theories.
    As many of my patients, particularly late-onset paranoid schizophrenics, end up connected with the conspirazoids, I have had to research this and contemplate it more than I would like. I have two observations. Despite initial rapport between conspiracy theorists of various types and considerable cross-fertilization of ideas, their connections do not remain stable. Over time they decide the others are not trustworthy and also don’t get it. They find each other too crazy. Second, wherever they start in their conspiracy, they eventually add in the Jews.

  2. alphie Avatar

    Did electing Bush twice expose the fiendish conspiracy against white male Republicans?