Happy Birthday, Jeff Soyer!

I just learned about Jeff Soyer’s 53rd birthday — as well as Alphecca’s 5th Blogiversary!
And congratulations on five years of awesome Second Amendment blogging.
Jeff helped give me a much needed start when Classical Values began in earnest, as he honored me when I was a complete unknown by agreeing to be my blogfather. (I was his first blogson too.) Anyway, five years is an important milestone in blogging, and it represents more than ten percent of Jeff’s life.
The only thing that troubles me is that I turned 53 in July, which makes me three months older than Jeff. How many people are older than their fathers?
Why, I’m so old, I even remembered that Jeff had cake back in 2004, so I updated (literally) the icing!
So go wish Jeff a happy birthday.
MORE: While you’re partying, Jeff’s got a great post about Hillary Clinton’s amazing claim that she “supports the Second Amendment.” (And if you believe that, Jeff has a bridge for sale in Brooklyn too.)
UPDATE: Thank you, Glenn Reynolds!






2 responses to “Happy Birthday, Jeff Soyer!”

  1. Jeff Soyer Avatar

    Three months? I was a precocious baby!
    Thanks very much, Eric!

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Happy birthday Jeff! And thanks for five years of service to the Second Amendment.
    Thanks for coming!