Carrying the closet too far

WARNING: Blunt post follows. Sorry, but the Craig situation is getting a bit ridiculous.
Larry Craig, it seems, is a sitting duck. Word from the Washington rumor mill is that he’s an inch or so away from resigning. Not that it matters whether he actually broke any laws. What matters is not what he did but the fact that he pleaded guilty, and for that he is being publicly shamed as an admitted pervert even though he won’t admit what nearly the whole world believes he already admitted.
He has, of course, fueled this process by denying that he is gay. The apparent preposterousness of these denials makes everyone close ranks, and conclude that he must in fact be not merely a gay man (hardly a new concept) but a cowering pervert, who is so utterly ashamed to be alive that he is incapable of honesty. (Either than or a man so deeply in denial that his judgment or mental health might be open to question.)
In view of modern reality, isn’t this all a bit anachronistic?
Regular readers know that I’d defend to the death the right of anyone to be in the closet, for I believe in the right to privacy as akin to human right. But that’s a moral argument, and right now I want to pose a pragmatic question. (Not that I advocate coming out for people who don’t want to do that. But the guilty plea changed the ordinary dynamics. And not that there’s anything wrong with* being in the closet, of course…)
Has it ever occurred to any of the political junkies that if Larry Craig were to simply “come out” and say he was gay, that he might be able to keep his job and even help the GOP?
Certainly, it would salvage the growing doubts over the man’s sanity. Because, if we look at this in terms of the most basic logic, Craig either wanted to have sex with that vice officer or he did not. If he did, well, saying he’s gay would clear it up, and he might get a pass because the idea that he was gay and in the closet goes a long way towards explaining everything.
On the other hand, if Larry Craig did not want to have sex with the vice officer, what in God’s name was he doing tapping his foot, and then pleading guilty? If he is completely heterosexual, well, that presents obvious problems…. I mean, what do you call a heterosexual man who goes into bathrooms and taps other men who are total strangers on their feet?
Um, insane maybe?
Seriously, are there any other explanations? (The only other one I can think of is that he was playing a practical joke on the officer, but that possibility has never been raised.)
So, if we give him the benefit of the doubt on the gay issue, how can we give him the benefit of the doubt on the sanity issue? We can’t. But by “coming out” (loathsome though the thought might be to some), Craig can clear up the issue of his sanity. No one will think he is crazy, even if he is. True, it would be at the expense of his “straighthood” but as stigmas go, what is worse? To be gay, or to be insane?
We come to the question of which possibility is more acceptable to the GOP. Right now, they’re faced with the intolerable situation of a fully heterosexual man who is unable to resist tapping men’s feet in bathrooms. Once again, this might not be a crime, but we’re talking about the image of the Republican Party. Would having a gay Republican come out destroy the party? How? It’s happened before (I think it was Steve Gunderson — forgive my earlier mistake), and did anyone really care? Besides, the people who care about such things are in a minority, and they’re already hot and bothered. Doubtless they’re calling Craig a wicked evil sodomite and all the rest of it. If he comes out, he’ll still be an evil and wicked sodomite, only he’ll be a more honest evil and wicked sodomite. As it is, they’re looking at either a dishonest sodomite in denial, or a heterosexual loony tune.
I realize that there are things missing in this analysis, and of course the biggest problem is that does not involve actual sex, but the perception of sex. In that respect, Craig’s “sex” is like the nonexistent sex of Mark Foley, whose crime was not sex, but sending suggestive emails. (Or Vitter, whose name was found in an address book.)
I’ll take Glenn Reynolds’ “what is it with these guys?” a step further.
What is it with these guys that they can’t even run a proper sex scandal?
Who ever heard of sex scandals without sex?
At least when the Democrats have a sex scandal, it involves real, honest to goodness sex. Yeah, I know, Bill Clinton said the sex wasn’t sex. But let’s face it, it was. Had Bill tapped Monica’s foot, the most he’d have been accused of was playing footsie, and there’d have been little to no outcry, much less an impeachment. And as Matthew Sheffield makes clear, the double standard is appalling; Democrats keep their jobs after drowning women in cars or keeping male brothels, while Republicans are hounded out of office for sex scandals without even the component of sex.
If I were the American people, I’d be totally sick of sexless Republican sex scandals by now.
The GOP needs to shape up.
Starting with Larry Craig. Even the moral conservatives ought to be able to recognize that a gay sex scandal without gay sex is even more abnormal than gay sex. I mean really. It’s just plain weird. Couldn’t the guy have at least managed to get caught in a gay bathhhouse or something, like a normal homosexual?
So, even though it’s counterintuitive and against my usual instincts, my advice right now to Larry Craig boils down to two words: COME OUT.
Plus, there’s an additional advantage. If he “comes out,” the moralists can always offer to “treat” him.
That might even be a win-win. (At least to some people.)
*HT Glenn Reynolds on the wrongness video.
MORE: Commenter gattsuru says that Craig could be bisexual. Fine. He can then “come out” as bisexual. Perhaps I was inartful when I said he denied being gay, because he said more than that. He also said categorically that he never did anything like what he was accused of. The point is, at this point it does not matter whether he is gay, bi, or straight, because he either wanted to have sex with the officer or he didn’t. And if he didn’t, the only possibilities are that he’s crazy, or joking. OR that this was a misunderstanding. But even there, he still looks crazy, for why would anyone plead guilty in the case of a misunderstanding? (Think about it, if you accidentally took an item from a store without paying and they arrested you for shiplifting, would you plead guilty if there was a genuine misunderstanding? Would any sane person?) Besides, the judge asked him to confirm his guilt and he did.
No, I think Craig should come out — whether he’s gay or bi, or even straight. For the good of the party, and for the good of the country.
Even if it’s a bit dishonest for a heterosexual to “come out,” they ought to think about how dishonest (and how crazy) he’s looking now.
As to showing his Senate card to get out of trouble, yes, it’s sleazier than soliciting a vice officer. But unfortunately, the public doesn’t seem especially interested in that issue, and it isn’t hurting the party as much.
(Hell, politicians pull rank to cut in security lines, and few cared.)
Again, this is not a moral argument I’m making here; it’s pure political pragmatism. Craig’s resignation in a cloud of shame would be worse than a refreshing and candid announcement.
I think it’s becoming more and more clear that shame is a losing proposition. (At least it is for the GOP. For the Dems, Republican shame is blood in the water. A very bad political equation, IMO.)
UPDATE: My thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the link (I’m awestruck to see the quotation) and welcome all. This is not an easy issue to grapple with, and I do appreciate the comments.
Glenn also links this report that Larry Craig will announce his resignation tomorrow.
It’s a crying shame to see a party so dominated by the politics of shame. I can remember when Republicans once derided Jimmy Carter as a silly and naive Baptist Sunday School teacher. The way they act with these sexless sex scandals, you’d think they were running for pastor!
My feeling is that unless the GOP gets over having to be the party of sexual morality, this stuff will just keep happening.






26 responses to “Carrying the closet too far”

  1. gattsuru Avatar

    He could just be bisexual. I mean, it is an option, even if not a particularly popular one.
    I think he should still be kicked out of the club for trying to use his card to get out of trouble (nevermind trouble this stupid), but that’s a separate matter.

  2. guy Avatar

    Gay, straight, Bi, whatever, he’s an idiot.
    Or his appetites are so out of control he can’t stop to think of what his actions will do to his family, his career, etc, etc.
    Or he’s so full of himself he feels he’s untouchable – if his flipping his card to the officer and saying “what do you think of that” is true I think that lends support to that theory.
    Forget the gay thing for a minute and just look a politician who has put himself into this position* in the first place. Is this the kind of person who you’d want in Congress?
    *by “position” I don’t mean a crime and I don’t mean sex in a bathroom. I’m talking creating a stupid scandal of any sort right before a contentious election year – an unforced error if ever there was one.

  3. Edward Cropper Avatar

    There was a time in our country when honesty meant something. People would often give an erring politician or anyone else some slack if they just came forth with an honest explanation and asked forgiveness. Today the “sinners’ DO NOT confess, and the average citizen can’t forgive because they do not know what sin is any more.
    Senator Craig obviously has some serious problems. If he was in the closet that no longer is an option. If he were a DemocRAT the MSM would be using all kinds of psycho-babble to defend and excuse.
    There is not a great deal of room for the Washington crowd to move around in. There are so many political whores and perverts in that town Father Confessors are a small minority or missing completely.

  4. Mark Avatar

    This still doesn’t top the so-called “sex scandal” that gave Mr. Obama his Senate seat.
    In 2004 the IL GOP elected Jack Ryan (no relation to the former IL Gov. Ryan) to be our nominee for the open Senate seat. Ryan had been married years earlier to the actress Jeri Ryan (known to Star Trek fans as “Seven of Nine”), and a Chicago newspaper got a court to unseal the divorce papers so they could look for juicy details. This they found in an allegation by the former Mrs. Ryan that Jack had taken her to a, shall we say, adult-interest club, and in a room with another couple, proposed that the two of them enjoy marital pursuits in the presence of the other couple (who, one supposes, would be similarly employed with each other). Jeri Ryan’s statement is that she declined and so they went home. That’s the allegation. Jack Ryan denies that this ever occurred. Note that if it did occur, it would not involve a violation of any of the ten commandments.
    However, in the scandal following the revelation, Ryan lost support of the state GOP bigwigs, and dropped out of the race. The GOP drafted an out-of-state grandstander to run against Obama, and Obama cruised to an easy victory.
    It was remarked at the time that this was the nation’s first political sex scandal in which no sex was alleged to have occurred, and in which the principal parties were husband and wife at the time of the alleged events.

  5. Larry Sheldon Avatar
    Larry Sheldon

    It is clear that I don not represent anybody but me, but I AM TIRED (as in sick–and-tired) of hearing about queers and their ins and outs.
    I do no care what they do as long as I don’t have to watch it or hear about it. And just to clear things up, I an just as tired of hearing about the ins and outs of people like Paris Hilton who qualifies as queer to my way of thinking.
    “Queer” is strange, weird, attention getting.
    “Gay” is happy, having a good time.

  6. notgayneverhavebeengay Avatar

    “I think it’s becoming more and more clear that shame is a losing proposition.”
    Let me get this straight?
    You think that if Craig came out and admitted that he’s gay (or bisexual) everyone’s disgust at the thought of their United States Senator blowing people in public restrooms would somehow vanish?
    Because let’s just get this out in the open: Gay men blow other men in public bathrooms. That particular sex act is part of gay culture. To most Americans, it’s a disgusting part of gay culture that frankly, they don’t want their 12 year old sons exposed to at the mall.
    Let me posit an alternate situation, and then let’s see how it plays out: What if, a couple of days ago, it was announced merely that Larry Craig had come out. What would have been the result?
    I can guarantee you of one thing: The Idaho Statesman would have had to decide whether to publish the on-the-record interview with the person who claims to have had sex with Senator Craig in Union Station in Washington, D.C.
    The Senator’s sexual orientation is nobody’s business; and nobody made it their business. It is the Senator’s habit of “loitering” in public mens rooms that disqualifies him from being a public servant.

  7. Janis Gore Avatar

    The GOP boxed themselves into a corner because they tout the “family values” line.
    A socially conservative family does not countenance members who solicit sex in public. Such a thing is, in what is an apparently archaic word, “immodest” and impinges on the modesty of other people.
    If I recall, it was John Tower of Texas who first flipped the old conventional wisdom that Democrats had sex scandals and Republicans financial ones.

  8. notgayneverhavebeengay Avatar

    “The GOP boxed themselves into a corner because they tout the “family values” line.”
    No Janis … it’s not just a “line.”
    See, when Republicans tout family values … they mean it. That’s why they’re kicking people like Senator Craig out of the Senate.
    I would remind you that the Democrats have not done the same with Chris Dodd, who sexually assaulted a waitress with his pal Teddy Kennedy. You remember Mr. Kennedy. He committed manslaughter the night he killed Mary Jo Kopekne in a drunken stupor and spent the next 24 hours trying to cover it up.
    Such are the scions of the Democratic Pary.

  9. Tom Perkins Avatar

    What bugs me about it is (a) anonymous sex solicited from strangers in a public place–I think that’s pretty crazy already, it doesn’t help a bit if that’s part of gay culture–I see no reason to tolerate it even slightly, and (b) the Senator showing his senatorial ID card to try to get a leg up on the officer–oh come on, someone would pull that one sooner or later, ooh I did it again! (enough with the punning, Ed.)–that is corruption and should not be tolerated in a Senator.
    Either way it’s time for Craig to go.
    molon labe, montani semper liberi, & para fides paternae patri

  10. Tom Perkins Avatar

    “Such are the scions of the Democratic Pary[sic].”
    Scions? At this point they’re the rotten roots.

  11. Janis Gore Avatar

    I don’t think that touting necessarily means that you don’t believe in what you’re speaking up for.

  12. Eric Scheie Avatar

    “when Republicans tout family values … they mean it.”
    I think that premise sets them up for endless bouts of shame whenever stuff like this happens. And regardless of what anyone thinks of sexual indiscretion, human nature being what it is, it will continue to happen. What this means is that the Democrats will get a pass, and the Republicans will not. Will this work to the political advantage of the Republicans?
    How many Americans are voting for the Republicans because they tout “family values” — whether they mean it or not? No one likes a moral scold, and I think a large number of people vote against the GOP because of such political posturing. Countless others hold their nose and simply vote against the Democrats.
    My problem is I loathe socialism.
    That used to make me right wing, but I never know what to call myself these days.

  13. Charlie (Colorado) Avatar
    Charlie (Colorado)

    I think you’re missing one real possibility: that Craig may be telling the truth. It’s hardly unknown for police to entrap someone, especially when they’re trolling for perverts. We don’t have any point at which Craig offered sex, discussed sex, even hinted at sex — just a my-word-against-yours from a policeman who just “knew” that brushing his hand in a physically-impossible fashion under the edge of the stall was a proposition. And now we’ve got a policeman calling him a liar, threatening to arrest him for something rather more than “disorderly conduct” — and Craig knowing that if someone has to bail him out it will be pretty awful — and then the officer offers to let him off with disorderly, and no one will ever have to know. I don’t find it all that difficult to imagine him, in a moment of weakness or cowardice, deciding the “smart” thing to do is get it over with. Who knows if Mike Nifong is the prosecutor? So let’s be straight about this (heh): it is less than clear that Craig committed any crime. But, given what we’re seeing now, would have have been wrong to think that the accusation would have destroyed his life? Was he in any position to fight?

  14. Frank Avatar

    Another possibility: Craig is straight, but like a number of heterosexual men I’ve known over a great many years, he was raised into the notion that ALL sex, if it’s to be enjoyed, has to be nasty and perverted.
    The straight UPS driver who stops at Del Paso Park or ‘Land Park in Sacramento for a quickie, or in years past the California State Senator who visited the Greyhound Bus Depot across from the Capitol Building, were all STRAIGHT men who just wanted to get off with no strings attached.
    Come on you Republicans, admit it – men are men. (Or as my sainted mother would say: they’re all pigs!)

  15. Orson Avatar

    I’m with you Charlie:
    what’s worse is a forced resignation from office without any real misconduct. Merely its appearance.

  16. Blue Texan Avatar

    See, when Republicans tout family values … they mean it. That’s why they’re kicking people like Senator Craig out of the Senate.
    Er, right. That’s why Vitter’s still in the Senate. That’s why they looked the other way with Foley for years, then tried to cover it up.
    BTW, do you guys really believe that Craig had never done this before? No. It is about “actual” sex. Stop whining about it and take your medicine.

  17. brainy435 Avatar

    “If I were the American people, I’d be totally sick of sexless Republican sex scandals by now.
    The GOP needs to shape up.”
    I’m confused: Are you arguing for less compromising behavior, or for republicans to “man up” and screw someone already?

  18. brainy435 Avatar

    Just kidding. The business of pleading guilty and trying to get out by showing his Senate business card signal that it’s time for him to “spend more time with his family.”

  19. SDN Avatar

    Of course the “they” includes your side too. Just like Iraq, you don’t care about the victims past and future as long as you get a political advantage. And at least we don’t re-elect our scumbags when we find out about them (Kennedy (Ted and Patrick), Studds, Barney Frank, etc.).

  20. Derek Avatar

    Uh, I do realize you’re trying to be “ironic” and “funny” but you do realize this post is completely wrong, right? I mean, obviously Craig has had sex gay sex. He’s been accused of it numerous times. Numerous! Over tons of years. And then he gets caught soliciting sex. What, you don’t think he ever had? What do you expect? And Vitter – uh, he did too. Why do you think his name might be in the book? Had he been prank calling from his congressial office with staffers and hanging up the phone in uncontrollable giggling fits? As for Foley, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest he’d had actual intercourse also. How do you think sex scandals normally break? New York Times reporters kick in a motel door and catch Republican Bible thumpers in a drunken gay orgy?

  21. Papertiger Avatar

    And at least we don’t re-elect our scumbags when we find out about them (Kennedy (Ted and Patrick), Studds, Barney Frank, etc.).
    It’s a big mistake. We on the right should hold on to our scumbags with a vengence until the media gets religion about the Kennedys, Studds, Franks, etc.
    Think about it. If we have the drone of Dem party affiliates at the New York Times setting out moral guidelines which none of the Dem constituents can live with merely to tarnish Republicans, two things will happen.
    First the Media loses some portion of the faithful democrat readership, and second Democrats will lose their strangle hold on big city voters.

  22. Tom Perkins Avatar

    No one is bothered to point of wanting his removal by Craig’s use of his Senatorial ID to try to get out of this?
    For all of you it’s really about the sex?
    FWIW, I’m disappointed.
    Yours, TDP, ml, msl, & pfpp

  23. Papertiger Avatar

    If you were arrested for solicitation of a prostitute and you pulled a Senate membership card, that would be criminal and a lie.
    When Larry Craig shows his Senate card it’s called identifying himself to an ashole cop, running an extortion ring.
    / admittedly the extortion ring stuff is just a hunch.
    // the ashole cop part I got evidence to support.

  24. Tom Perkins Avatar

    “When Larry Craig shows his Senate card it’s called identifying himself to an ashole cop, running an extortion ring.”
    His doing that was accompanied with his needlessly stating the phrase, “What do you think about that?”
    A curious wording, and one clearly intended to use his position as a Senator to intimidate the officer.
    Yours, TDP, ml, msl, & pfpp

  25. John in Nashville Avatar
    John in Nashville

    Senator Craig pled guilty to a crime that he probably didn’t commit (even though he may have wanted and intended to commit public indecency).
    Senator David Vitter admitted to “serious sin” after he was reported to be connected to madams in Washington and New Orleans. This at least strongly implies that he engaged in unlawful conduct (albeit uncharged conduct).
    I wonder, what would his fellow Roman Catholic Republicans be saying now if Vitter had admitted using a condom while whoremongering?

  26. InRussetShadows Avatar

    In all your analysis, you missed one possibility — that the cop was corrupt. Did you not even read the transcript of the officer’s plea bargain? For shame.
    In the transcript, it is CLEAR that the officer is pushing Crag — absolutely, blindingly clear.
    Let’s think about this for a second, ok?
    1) The first thing Craig says is that he wants to make his flight.
    2) Then he says he wants to stay out of jail.
    3) He agrees to a guilty plea to “disorderly conduct” (not “lewd & lascivious behavior”) in order to make his flight.
    4) The cop states that Craig’s LEFT HAND was underneath the stall. Craig is RIGHT-HANDED. You’re telling me that he reached with his opposite hand under the stall?
    5) If Craig has been accused of gay sex, where is the EVIDENCE? I demand EVIDENCE, not just “he said, he said” schoolyard choruses. Where are the men willing to go on record? Even Clinton’s bimbos went on the record against him. If you want to convict someone in the court of public opinion, you’re going to need more than accusation, rumor, and slander to build your case.
    This whole thing sickens me, because it shows just how easily Republicans will swallow the most outrageous and concocted stories if the accused crime is egregious enough. That bodes ill for our own survival.