Catching up with the tagged

With apologies to all concerned for my tagging them, I thought I’d return to the scene of the crime and let readers know that so far, at least four of bloggers I tagged have responded!
While Alan Kellogg had been tagged before, he did reply in a comment that he’ll soon have teeth, and opined that “instead of being mutant mushrooms, we might be mutant slime molds.”
(And Immodest Proposal’s comment made me wish I’d tagged him.)
Socrates does a far better job of supplying random facts than I did. (I don’t believe I can do things at random, so I used my blog’s search engine for random facts, but Socrates’ stuff really does seem random. An interesting look at an interesting blogger.)
I had not known that Sean Kinsell says people think he “looks French” (I don’t think he does, and I’m with those who think he looks like Matthew Fox), he hates food made with mediocre ingredients, but nonetheless has a major weakness for Burger King. (Sean, if only you’d told me, we could have held our annual Philly summit there!)
And Connie du Toit responded with “things I did not mind anyone knowing.” These things include a intense dislike for and a desire to destroy all cars blasting people with loud bass (I agree, and the awful noise is inescapable if you live near any cities or college campuses), and an admission that her favorite fast food restaurant is Taco Bell. (So is mine, and I always order their seven layer burrito.)
I’m not the world’s most gregarious blogger, but I have to admit, I’m having more fun with the responses to my tagging than I did being tagged or writing my response.






4 responses to “Catching up with the tagged”

  1. ajacksonian Avatar

    I don’t do the tagging bit, but have more than enough personal random facts available… a bit structured here and unstructured ones here. Of course any three of my posts will contain enough random thoughts to confuse the most steadfast of cats.
    Also, life is not good right now, so my time and energy are limited…
    I thank you for the attention and consideration and know it is well meant.

  2. Sean Kinsell Avatar

    “Sean, if only you’d told me, we could have held our annual Philly summit there!”
    Well, we can make that our plan for this coming year. (Imagine how many Whoppers a big guy like Tom can put away.) Glad you’re at least enjoying the answers….

  3. Mrs. du Toit Avatar

    My dog’s favorite fast food is Taco Bell, too, but I guess I’d have to tag her to disclose that.

  4. Eric Scheie Avatar

    A Jacksonian, thanks for coming! You’ve got a lot on your plate, so I appreciate it.
    Sean, it would be a hoot to hold it at Burger King.
    And Connie, maybe your dog can tag Coco!