Telling The Truth In School

It seems that in Canada telling the truth in school can get you suspended.
Kieran King got in trouble with his school for doing research on marijuania (on line, not personal) and telling the truth about what he found.

On May 30, Kieran, who is described as “research-obsessed” by his mother, was chatting with friends around the school lunch table and telling them about what he’d discovered, largely from scholarly and government sources. He argued that marijuana carries a near-zero risk of overdose, that it has been approved by Health Canada for medical use and that it kills an infinitesimal fraction of the people that alcohol and tobacco do every week — claims so uncontroversial you’d have to be high on something much stronger than pot to dispute them.
He also suggested that it doesn’t make much sense for marijuana to be illegal in a world where booze and smokes are freely available in shops.

I’d put what is genarally known and admitted by the government about marijuana on a par with the government research on climate science. Both are agenda driven and will only be corrected if enough people do their own research. The government is not going to help. Too many iron rice bowls at stake.
H/T Instapundit
Cross Posted at Power and Control






3 responses to “Telling The Truth In School”

  1. syn Avatar

    Lack of pluralism exists not only in government and schools k-12 and Ivory Tower academe but in every domain ruled by social liberal idealism. In these enviros tabacco is legal for tax purpose yet banned for consumption, certain light bulbs are superior even though their dim and full of mercury, words are re-defined at the whim of driving any particular social agenda, laws are judicated before the people are able to voice through legislation, multiple sex partners are encouraged as a means to attain enlightenment as long as you teach children how to put a condom on a cucumber while blaming AIDS on Reagan, salaries for puppet masters to provide art for the masses get more than rookie police officers who put their lives on the line to protect the social liberal collectivist enjoying their puppetry of the penis art…on and on ad nauseum.
    Social Liberalism is the culture of snotty, condescending, holier-than-everyone collectivists whose ideals are protected by their power and control over pluralism.
    If our culture wants a return of pluralism, free speech and the right to vote get rid of tenure in the Ivory Tower, hire educated teachers instead of useful idiots and recognize that the pious, snotty, condescending social liberal is simply a cultural Marxist; specifically the Professors who drive this oppressive, non-pluralistic agenda.

  2. syn Avatar

    correction: they’re dim

  3. Elais Avatar

    Plenty of conservative idiots out there who bury their heads in the sand when faced with the facts.
    Conservatives always are ‘holier than thou’ and blinder than bats regarding the truth.