Rachel Lucas is back!

No really!
I just found out from Ann Althouse (who linked Rachel’s Online Guide to Dating), although I should have known from reading Bill Whittle’s wonderful “Remnantsposts which Glenn Reynolds linked yesterday. I had mindlessly assumed that when Whittle put the Lucas link there that he was just being cute, and I’m so used to Rachel Lucas Not Existing Any More that I never clicked on it. Technically, this means I really can’t say I actually learned about it from him, although I should have.
I’m just glad Rachel Lucas is back. I missed her, and I also missed Sunny and Digger.
And I’m delighted by the list of topics she’s going to blog about. (As someone who writes about politics too much, I like her focus on entertainment only.)






2 responses to “Rachel Lucas is back!”

  1. M. Simon Avatar

    Here is a bit I did in the comments on her dog post re: her inability to deal with killing animals:
    Have you ever considered a job in a packing plant?
    When I worked in one I enjoyed seeing pigs bleed to death. A real sight to behold. Unless one of the suckers is insufficiently stunned and starts thrashing. Then it is scramble for higher ground time.
    And I must tell you that there is NOTHING like the taste of fresh killed meat.
    Meat packing plants smell bad but chicken packing plants are the worst.
    Oh, yeah. I’m still a carnivore.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    I’m a carnivore too (and I have slaughtered animals) but if Coco killed a possum I wouldn’t be very happy about it. It’s just a feeling thing.