Month: November 2006

  • God, guns, gays — and Giuliani

    Now that Rudolph Giuliani is tentatively throwing his hat into the presidential ring, his candidacy is attracting more attention than ever. Here’s Roger L. Simon: Rudy seems to be running. He did the Exploratory Committee thing today. And I’m a happy camper not just because his views most closely represent mine (they do), but because…

  • Post election RINOs rage

    Believe it or not, the RINOs still exist, and theyre still raging. And this week, at the RINO Sightings Carnival hosted by Barry Campbell at Enrevanche, they share their insights on what happened and why. The theme is “in ur booth, counting ur votes” Don’t miss it.

  • A new day with Opera?

    In addition to the problems I noted in the previous post, I now see that Internet Explorer 7 will not allow some of my favorite blogs to load properly. I double checked this by loading one of them in Firefox, and then on my other computer which still runs IE 6. No problem. This is…

  • It’s the numbers, stupid!

    I am getting a bit tired of the seemingly endless attempts to discern the moral intent of the voters — so tired of it that I don’t even want to write this post. From a practical Machiavellian perspective, it really doesn’t matter whether the voters “voted against corruption” or whether in fact Iraq was “issue…

  • Vietnam is one autopsy too many

    I’d never given it much thought, but it’s startling to think that there are people who actually see war in economic terms: …[A]s every undergraduate economics student knows, that strategy is a disaster. Hence the principle of “sunk cost.” The fact that I’ve lost a pile on some enterprise or investment is no reason to…

  • The opiate of the asses?

    I very much enjoyed reading about the “Apostles of O’Neill,” as it raises some profound questions which go to the heart of the first amendment: Brian O’Neill Jr., 20, and his roommates moved in August and promptly held pool parties so loud the university and police were called. This is where your classic town-gown dispute…

  • Happy Veterans Day

    I happened upon the parade in Media today (‘Everybody’s hometown‘), and it was a fortuitous event. We stopped to do a little shopping and ran into some friends and their new baby. Before we knew it, there was a parade on. Yesterday my father celebrated the Marine Corps birthday at Cookie’s Tavern in Philadelphia with…

  • “temporarily allow scripted windows”

    That’s the stupid message I get whenever I try to go into my blog’s MT window, now that my computer has automatically “updated” and installed the new version of Internet Explorer (7). Unless I click through a dialogue every time, IE7 t blocks me from putting put links or anything into posts. Furthermore, the automatic…

  • This time, Bush fascism is really here to stay!

    Ted Rall is so in love with Bush fascism that he can’t believe it could ever possibly end: We’ll be cleaning up Bush’s mess long after his scheduled abdication on January 20, 2009. But the trillions of dollars in national debt he has run up and his two losing wars will drain our economy for…

  • I would have been depressed, but I got sick first…

    While I’ve been too bogged down with a miserable cold to be depressed, via Glenn Reynolds I see that Ann Althouse is depressed, because she sees the election as an American failure: It’s the failure of Americans to support the war. It’s the folding and crumpling because things didn’t go well enough and the way…

  • Whence the Republican freefall?

    How do we once again convince the public that we are in fact the party many Democrats successfully pretended to be in this election? So asks Dick Armey in the Wall Street Journal. A lot of people have said that the recent Republican loss results from their betrayal of the 1994 Contract With America, but…

  • Cyclical Triangulation

    Captain Ed has a good post on the subject of President Bush’s triangulation (if that’s the right word) of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s triangulation strategy: In that context, the Arnoldization that Bush appears to have begun makes some sense. He doesn’t have a dog in the party fight that will arise over the next few weeks; in…

  • Will the government get smaller now?
    Should I continue to hold my nose?

    I feel like a real party pooper not weighing in and inveighing about the election results more than I have. But this damned cold is one of the worst I have ever had, and between the medicines and the cold I just can’t think clearly, and when I can’t think I can’t write. While I…

  • Donkeys dis dog in dreams

    Not much time for blogging today, and in the short chunk of time I would have had this afternoon, the weather caused a power outage. But I had been meaning to let Coco (who’s a Republican because she thinks the Democrats are after her ovaries) weigh in on the recent election. As you can see,…

  • Whose war?

    While I went to bed knowing that the Democrats took the House, it was nonetheless a little annoying to turn on CNN this morning and watch Rahm Emanual rail against Bush and the war in Iraq as if he woke up and found himself in charge of the entire government. (I suppose he considers it…

  • There has never been a winner. At least, not yet.

    A sufficiently simple assertion to make; reason: thus far everyone has died. Eventually someone will omit to die. A winner is you! New Jersey: why am I not surprised? Only by the narrowest margin does the New Jersey senate election fail to eclipse the re-election of Marion Barry… after he’d already been convicted of buying…

  • Yeah, a completely useless post!

    Not that I’m surprised in the least, but so far it looks like a good night for the Dems and a rout for the Repubs. (Not that anyone needed me to make that premature and annoying observation.) I’m nursing a god-awful cold right now and not terribly in the blogging mood. Frankly, the damned Sudefed…

  • Undocumented alien lunch provides food for thought

    I don’t know what could be more boring to blog about than what I had for lunch, except that I don’t know precisely what it is I had for lunch. I need to keep my strength up, so I had to eat something, and all I could find was one of those “just add boiling…

  • Reminder

    I’ve already written about my vote and I don’t plan on live-blogging anything (not as long as the polls are open). So, for people who want comprehensive and up-to-date news, be sure to check out Pajamas Media election coverage.

  • Voting in defense of adulthood

    I just voted, and the only tussling I had with my conscience (touched on in a previous post) was whether to vote for Rick Santorum or Bob Casey for Senate. Sean Kinsell wrestled with this too, and decided to vote for Casey. I agree with much of Sean’s analysis, and in all honesty, my vote…