Inconvenient troots?

Ann Althouse has come up with a great new term:

Peter Daou signs off over at Salon, as he leaves to serve Hillary Clinton as “a blog advisor to facilitate and expand her relationship with the netroots.” Take note, bloggers! That’s a new job description, and you qualify! Blog Advisor, facilitating and expanding relationships with the netroots.
Is it too late to complain about the word “netroots”? It should be two words. I’m seeing troots too much. Or could we just shorten it to troots, which is cute? Cute troots.

While I’m hesitant to call anyone I don’t know “cute” (I mean, the word has a double meaning and sensitivities can run high), “troots” is certainly cute as a word, and I see nothing wrong with wishing the right kind of cuteness upon them.
But cute or not, I do hope they’re not endangered. Pronouncements like “will reach fuller potential with the participation of Democratic leaders and responsible reporters” sound ominous.
But I don’t want my concerns misinterpretated as paranoia. At this point it’s too early to talk about slaughter of innocent trootsis. (Or would that be trootsies? I guess the latter term would apply only if they’re stricken from the roll. . .)



