
In an earlier post today, I said this:

Frankly, if incontrovertibly clear evidence of WMDs were discovered tomorrow, I think there’d be a huge outcry questioning the timing — and a huge chorus along the lines of WHY NOW? Either Bush planted the evidence (BUSH KNEW, PART II?), or he knew all along but Karl Rove advised him to wait for election purposes, and if these arguments failed to gain sway, there’d always be the accusation of incompetence. (The WMDs were there all along, but because of Bush’s bungling leadership and poor military strategy, they weren’t found when they should have been.)
Well, if such a thing did happen, at least the Democrats could claim (truthfully) “WE TOLD YOU SO!

Well, it appears that WMDs have been found, and the announcement was made today. That means I should have said something like this:

Frankly, if incontrovertibly clear evidence of WMDs were discovered today, I think there’d be a huge outcry questioning the timing —

Normally, I hate being wrong. But in a situation like this I really don’t mind being off by a day.
MORE: For more, read Austin Bay, Captain Ed, Michelle Malkin, CNS News, and Raw Story.
DRUIDICAL AFTERTHOUGHT: I hate to sound like a damn Pagan or a Roman augur, but . . . (I mean, consider the tradition of this blog!)
Am I the only one remembering that today is the longest day of the year?
How come no one is questioning the timing?
MORE: Atrios seems skeptical. (Um, maybe Senator Lieberman should have made the announcement?)
AND MORE: I have to say, I couldn’t agree more with Glenn Reynolds on this point:

WMD wasn’t the big issue for me, but it certainly has been turned into a keystone of the war debate, which may turn out to have been a mistake for war opponents.

I didn’t support the war in Iraq because I thought we needed to go in and get WMDs; I supported it to avenge 9/11 (for reasons I’ve explained) as well as to free the Iraqis from an evil maniac.
Others have made this war about WMDs. I think that devalued the war, and turned it from a just war into a game of hide-and seek. Those with an emotional investment in that game should have considered that just as Bush and Tenet might have guessed wrong, there was also the possibility that they might have guessed wrong.
MORE: Fox News report here.
I suspect the primary objection to the Hoekstra-Santorum announcement will be that this is “nothing new.” That these are “old” WMDs.
OK. If they’re old, then they were there, right? And just because they’re old, so what? I have old guns too, but they still work.






2 responses to “Correction!”

  1. Jon Thompson Avatar
    Jon Thompson

    Even if WMD had been the issue for me on Iraq, the ability Saddam retained to create more WMD the moment after sanctions were lifted seemed more important to me than any stockpile.
    He kept every part and piece of equipment and knolwedge he needed to launch a campaign for chemical and biological weapons the moment Chinese, French, and Russian pressure finally managed to get the sanctions ended.

  2. silvermine Avatar

    Hell, the fact that he never kept to any of the agreements in the ceasefire he signed for hte first war was enough for me. He fired on our pilots (and the UKs) in the no fly zones. That’s justification enough right there, honestly. 😛