The end of wisdom

Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise!
Proverbs 6:6

Well that’s all fine and good. In the face of a recent invasion of ants in my kitchen, I’ve been considering them a lot. And I’m trying to be wise (at least, wise to the ways of the ants). I’ve studied — and restudied — their penchant for empire building.
But I guess I forgot to ask why they hate me . . .
Empire4.jpgempire6.jpgEmpire of The Ants.jpg
empireoftheants5.jpgempireoftheants8.jpgEmpire of The Ants2.jpg






4 responses to “The end of wisdom”

  1. laura gibbs Avatar

    My kitchen was once invaded by ants, but they were fatally attracted to the smell of the refrigerant in the freezer or something like that, so they found a tiny crack in the lining of the freezer door, and crawled one by one into the freezer, and freeze-dried themselves in there, and died, every last one of them! I came home from a vacation and found a freezer full of dead ants. Ugh.
    I noticed your post because of the proverb about the ants – I’m working my way through all the proverbs I can find in Latin about animals in general. All the ant proverbs I have found so far are here:
    You might enjoy them.
    Good luck in your battles! And, as the proverb warns, don’t spit on those ants or you’ll get bit! 🙂

  2. B. Durbin Avatar

    Die, ants, DIE DIE DIE!
    I hate ants.
    Though now my kitchen is very, very clean.

  3. Nobody in particular Avatar
    Nobody in particular

    What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?
    “Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant…”