Life (and Death) at the Carnival

This week’s Carnival of the Vanities is hosted by Adam Gurri at Sophistpundit. There are many good posts, some great ones, lots of life, and some death. As is my habit, I’ll just mention a few that stood out for me.

  • Considering that there are so many Carnivals these days, and so many new bloggers, Bad Example’s Harvey has a must-read post called “HOW TO ENTER A LINK-FEST CARNIVAL.” Good advice!
  • Mr. Snitch offers some great video of Hoboken, New Jersey.
  • A Muslim in Palestine dares to teach (a bit tentatively) that the Holocaust actually happened — and he’s hated for his effort. But as Solomonia carefully demonstrates, the Associated Press’s Holocaust minimization of the Holocaust is much more appalling than that of Palestinians.
  • Kevin at The Smallest Minority highlights a Supreme Court case confirming what many have learned the hard way: the police are not there to protect you, and they don’t have to. (So you’d better learn how to protect yourself.)
  • Much I hate to end this mini-review on a sad note, this last post strikes near to my heart. Laurence Simon’s spirited and talented cat Edloe has passed at age 14, and Laurence has written a very touching tribute. All he has is an empty collar:

    But every now and then, an empty collar means something else:
    A friend is gone.

    How I know. I’m looking at Puff’s empty collar right now. It’s been empty for two weeks now.
    I’m truly sorry, Laurence. Wish I’d known Edloe.

  • There’s a lot more of course. As Adam concludes,

    the blogosphere is not lacking in activity.

    Sometimes it’s too not lacking, but that’s OK.






    5 responses to “Life (and Death) at the Carnival”

    1. Mr. Snitch! Avatar

      Thanks Eric. Those videoss were pretty silly, but it’s hot and I thought I’d post something that just didn’t require too much thought. Now that I’ve heard of the late, lamented Testicle Theater, of course, I’m thinking the vids I posted should be up for an Oscar.

    2. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

      I have a book on the police and their non-protection, Dial 911 and Die. You can get it from the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( To paraphrase the excellent John Birch Society slogan: “Support your local gun owner — and keep him/her independent!

    3. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

      Bless Edloe and Puff. And Mars and Jupiter (my friend Robin Georg Olsen’s late dogs). Bless all the pets who have gone so sadly astray. They must await their masters in Heaven.

    4. Solomon Avatar

      Thanks for the link, Eric. I’m just amazed you have the energy to read the entire carnival (or most of it). The only time I managed that was when I hosted.

    5. Harvey Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words. I added you to my Groupies bloroll 🙂