Elrond Wants Brisket

Amazing what you can find on the internet by accident, isn’t it?
In this particular case it’s only the most beautiful barbeque grill I’ve ever seen. If Tolkien elves did barbeque, they would use a Kamado. You could fit an orc in one.
It’s also the most expensive barbeque grill I’ve ever seen. If I ever win the lottery, I’ll use a Kamado. It will be my dream grill for my dream house. Otherwise, it’ll just remain a dream.
A testimonial from a satisfied user can be found at Odograph.






3 responses to “Elrond Wants Brisket”

  1. Zendo Deb Avatar

    Sorry, but this is too small. For really big outdoor grilling you something like this
    Its nice to have fridge and sink near the grill too.

  2. Zendo Deb Avatar

    the 36 in version of this grill (see link prev. comment) is $3995.00, the warming centers (things that look like ovens) and any number of things are extra.
    GE Monagram grill on a cart – $4100.
    I can’t find the price for the built in Viking grill. (If you have ask, you can’t afford it) their “small grill” is 2500 bucks.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    Briskets. “Brisket soup”. That’s what I called pho when I first discovered it. Delicious.