Hero strikes again

Straight from Aljazeera, Ramsey Clark is up to his old tricks: he’s joined Saddam’s legal team.
And you thought representing Slobodan Milosevic or the PLO was questionable.






5 responses to “Hero strikes again”

  1. mdmhvonpa Avatar

    All I have to say is WTF. This single celled organism needs to be salted.

  2. Blogesota Avatar

    Saddam is entitled to a defense.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    I predicted it. Ramsey Clark is a worse traitor to his country, a worse lover of every America-hating terrorist and dictator, than anybody else I know of. What an asshole.

  4. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Saddam is entitled to a defense. So was Hitler.
    Bush, of course, is not!

  5. Raging Bee Avatar
    Raging Bee

    Well, he’s given us a hint of his defense strategy: irrefutable incoherence. Not to mention appealing to a law without recognizing any agency as having the legitimacy to enforce it.