Pseudo Fuxcism leads directly to Nieuw Nutzism!

I haven’t been keeping up with my reading, so I missed a new word made up by David “NewWord” Neiwert in August — “Foxcist.” First noted as a new word by this blogger, it hasn’t quite gained the wide adherence it deserves. Which is why I decided to give it a plug. We New Worders should stick together so that we can help build a better New Word of tomorrow.
More from the blogger who spotted the nieuw word:

But then it dawned on me that, except for Second World War hobbyists and political-science geeks, nobody remembers what the word “fascist” means any more, except that it’s some kind of insult.

How true. But I think it’s really important for us to make young people today remember the true evils of fascism, not by teaching about dead men like Hitler or Mussolini, but by keeping the word “fascism” alive and connected to today’s world. And what better way to do that than to create a word association between the old time fascist dinosaurs and a news network featuring regular appearances by storm troopers like Geraldo Rivera and Greta van Sustern?
As I keep saying, you can’t be too careful!
UPDATE: Despite my previous fit of paranoia, we can now all breathe a big sigh of relief. According to Glenn Reynolds himself, the French nieuwspaper LeMonde has rehabilitated him:

Glenn Reynolds is part of the (imagined) world-wide popular wave trying to stand up to (and only to) the Bush administration, its “lies”, and its “illegal” war (as well as Yankee capitalism and imperialism).

Now that the anti-imperialist Reynolds has been cleared of any association with pseudo fascism (or its near relative, Foxcism), I expect some apologies are in order . . .
I mean, who knows more about fascism (and Nazism) than the French?






2 responses to “Pseudo Fuxcism leads directly to Nieuw Nutzism!”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    Left-Wingers say: “Bush = Hitler”
    Right-Wingers say: “Hillary = Hitlary”
    George W. Bush = Hillary Rodham Clinton?