Honesty as heresy

McGreevey in a position of giving other people guidance seems to me not to be getting the order quite right….

Sean Kinsell
I love such understatement….
Crooked Jim McGreevey as “Gay Leader”? They’ve got to be kidding!
Sean’s post comes straight from the heart, and should be circulated widely. He touches on gay tribalism, hypocritical hype related to “coming out,” cowardly gay “leadership,” and identity politics — all of which have all melded into one sinkhole in the case of Governor McGreevey. All that matters is that he’s gay, and he’s a governor, so bingo! That’s prestige, and that passes for “gay leadership.” Never mind how corrupt the man is.
And never mind how he’d fare if he were a gay conservative. Or even (as in the case of Andrew Sullivan) a gay Democrat who refuses to toe the official party line of identity politics.
I consider non-conforming gays to be far braver than McGreevey, but instead of being lionized like the crooked McGreevey, they’re singled out for ad hominem attacks similar to what’s meted out to Condoleeza Rice. (And for very similar reasons; people who who’ve earned their stripes on merit can’t be controlled or made to grovel as easily!)
Heresy doesn’t involve religion any more.






4 responses to “Honesty as heresy”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    Yes, it’s as you and I have said about the Politically Correct Left: If you’re a worker, a Negro, a woman, a homosexual man or woman, a Jew — and if you deviate from the Party Line, you’ll be hated more venomously than if you were a rich “straight” male member of the White Citizens’ Council.
    That picture of Ann Coulter that Glenn Reynolds linked to was very sexy. At least three sexy women of the Right now: Ann Coulter (blonde), Michelle Malkin (Oriental), Condoleezza Rice (Negress). And, for a man’s man, there’s Sean Hannity. That’s good to see!

  2. bink Avatar

    If McGreevey is a hero of any kind, I am Elvis. Are potential heros for gay people so few that they have to settle for the likes of him? I have a feeling that the case is exactly so.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    There are many heroic men’s men and Lesbian women, one of them blogging right here and now (i.e., Eric Scheie of Classical Values), and Sean Kinsell, and many others on his blogroll.
    There are many heroic homosexual men and women who have served in our armed forces. Many have stellar records of service, yet they have been discharged simply for their sexual orientation.
    One of these was a Lt. Leonard Matlovich. To compound the injustice done to this man, he was once invited to speak to a “gay pride” rally. When he also let it be known that he was a conservative Republican who _valued_ military service, he was disinvited and replaced by Jesse Jackson.
    Yes, they’ll choose a corrupt politician like Jim McGreevey or an even more corrupt demagogue (also anti-homosexual) like Jesse Jackson over a brave and patriotic soldier like Lt. Leonard Matlovich.

  4. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    I must mention Tammy Bruce, also on the Right on most spectrums, is sexy to me. Above all, Camille Paglia.
    On the Left, I find Eleanor Clift and Susan Faludi to be very sexy.