Greetings, Annan! … I shall speak with you Anon.

Though Kofi Annan is still safe in the public eye and still the image of all that is pure and holy in the old press, times they may be a changin’. Political cartoons these days tend to be hacky, easy, and a bit behind, so Jerry Holbert’s cartoon from today’s Boston Herald is encouraging (via Yahoo):
Meanwhile, St. Kofi tsk-tsks his naughty little son.






One response to “Greetings, Annan! … I shall speak with you Anon.”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato theElder) the Lesbian-worshipping man's-man-admiring myth-based egoist Avatar

    Perhaps if more Americans see the U.N. (or U.N.O. as Arnold Harris prefers to call it) for what it is, we’ll be closer to extricating ourselves from that unholy den of thieves, rapists, and murderers, or at least less likely to surrender our sovereignty to it.