Month: September 2004

  • Reading and writing their minds….

    JUST ANOTHER THOUGHT, WHICH IS SURE TO PLEASE NO ONE…. For what it’s worth, here’s what I would do if I were running the Kerry campaign. Get some genuine dirt on George W. Bush, and then create an obviously forged document saying the same thing. Then, after the other side has exhausted itself fighting over…

  • Stuck in an imaginary past?

    I am beginning to think that, whether we like it or not, the 2004 election will be about what really happened in the early 1970s, even how things worked back then. Whether this is a good idea is not for me to decide, but right now the big argument is over the precise capabilities of…

  • We’re sorry, Mr. Annan is busy counting his money.

    Back to a serious issue that has been of great concern here at Classical Values. the crisis in Darfur, Glenn Reynolds has posted a reader pic that you must see. I have been critical here in the past regarding the UN and have written about the Bush administration’s disgust over U.N. inaction. See? I wasn’t…

  • PDF You!

    The following information comes from the documents themselves: BushGuardmay4.pdf: /ModDate (D:20040908210832-04’00’) /CreationDate (D:20040908210823-04’00’) BushGuardmay19.pdf /ModDate (D:20040908210815-04’00’) /CreationDate (D:20040908210807-04’00’) BushGuardaugust1.pdf /ModDate (D:20040908210739-04’00’) /CreationDate (D:20040908210704-04’00’) BushGuardaugust18.pdf: /ModDate (D:20040908210759-04’00’) /CreationDate (D:20040908210748-04’00’) So for what it’s worth, the documents were all created using Acrobat 5.0 Image Conversion Plug-in for Windows on Wednesday 8th September between 9:07 and 9:08 PM…

  • My Weird Night

    I was in in New York at 3 am when I wrote most of this in a little note pad. My train was scheduled to leave for more than two more hours, and I’d been waiting for what seemed forever. My friend had assured me that the trains ran all night, but I think maybe…

  • Who needs pajamas when the emperor has no clothes?

    Let’s play “QUESTION AUTHORITY!” DAN RATHER, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: I know that this story is true. I believe that the witnesses and the documents are authentic. We wouldn’t have gone to air if they would not have been. There isn’t going to be — there’s no — what you’re saying apology? QUESTION: Apology or any…

  • Rather TO EARTH: “I AM NOT A CROOK!”

    I was gone all day and now I am aghast at the latest developments in the Rathergate Affair. I’m still shaking my head. But let me see if I can get this right. Here’s an excerpt from the obviously forged August 18, 1973 letter which in which Killian states that he’s being pressured by Staudt:…

  • Turning over old leaves

    Just got back from a drive to New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. They’re always fun to visit, because few people bother. Plus it’s only a half an hour’s drive from Philadelphia. Some sights from the Pine Barrens: Macro shot of oak leaf, laden down with reddish brown galls: Galls, by the way, are formed by a…

  • The blogosphere does not forget

    Preventing another 9/11? It’s elementary to say this, but the most important thing is to remember: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Glenn Reynolds has a good memorial post with pictures and links. And another one here at TCS. (And if you haven’t already seen this, now is as good…

  • Lettergate?

    Or Rathergate? I can’t decide. But bear in mind that it’s 7am on a Saturday and I was unceremoniusly wakened by the ringtone on my cell phone (don’t take that the wrong way, dear). I’m still a bit groggy. UPDATE!: I just learned a lesson Eric has tried to teach me on several occasions. You…

  • Muslims Against Terrorism

    Spotted this piece linked by Drudge by a Muslim organization opposing extremism and terrorism, the Free Muslim Coalition Against Terrorism. Will Muslims wake up before it is too late? Or will we continue blaming the Jews and an imaginary Jewish conspiracy? The blaming of all Muslim problems on Jews is a cancer that is destroying…

  • Meet Mr. Meilaender

    Abridged excerpts from the Presidents Council on Bioethics, April 25, 2002. DR. BLACKBURN: …. for me a helpful metaphor was thinking about, well, if one were, let’s say, there with a blastocyst and you had to do something to keep it alive and then you saw a child drowning, who would you save, if it…

  • My two cents on the -th

    Note that in every instance in which the ‘th’ following a number appears in superscript there is no intervening space between number and suffix. MS Word is set to automatically substitute the superscript when you hit the space bar, but if there is an intervening space, the rule is not triggered, which would explain the…

  • Forgeries can be a real drag!

    Speaking of humor, someone just sent me a collection of extreme makeover pictures, and I think they’re downright disrespectful. Not only that, I suspect that there is a distinct possibility that they may have been forged. Not that I’m an expert, you know, but I have seen things like this done before, and their authenticity…


    Via ROMENESKO, I see more evidence of unholy collusion between gay activists and religious conservatives: [World Journalism Institute director Robert Case II] thinks evangelicals have closed themselves into what he calls a ?ghetto? of their own making. They have fled mainstream culture rather than engage it. But if evangelicals expect to be depicted fairly and…

  • You too can produce 60 Minutes-quality forgeries!

    Yesterday, I went into something resembling a state of shock when, without any effort at all, I produced a document identical to the questioned August 18, 1973 Killian CYA Memo. That it is a forgery is beyond any reasonable doubt, and I don’t think it’s even worth debating. What’s worth debating now is how a…

  • Another idiot against socialism….

    Sometimes I feel personally insulted and attacked, and when that happens, my only recourse is this blog. Yesterday, just such a thing happened — and not far from where I live: The audience at a Teresa Heinz Kerry stump speech in King of Prussia yesterday craned to hear what she would say next. Known for…

  • It’s Alive

    I used to love Bruce Sterling’s fiction. Now I find him unbearably tendentious and self-satisfied. Case in point. The Speculist is back from a refit and presents us with this tired, pointless column from Wired Magazine. It annoyed me when I first read it, and it annoys me now. I guess he just got too…

  • A cutely burning!

    And while I’m barely still able to write, don’t miss this week’s Bonfire of the Vanities at DeCloah blog! In a word, it’s very cute! Tigger and Pooh play at guest hosting too! A few nice ones: I love Communism! (And how dare the capitalists spread dirty rumors about how I might vote!) The esteemed…

  • Some horses finish last!

    Sometimes I speak in haste, and write things without taking much time to examine them. Earlier, in an afterthought to a comment to a post which I quoted in an update to a post, I quoted my farmer/grandfather: You can’t make a race horse out of a plowhorse! And so you can’t. Or so it…