No catty remarks

What’s this catblogging deal, and how do I cash in?
I don’t own any cats, so my only opportunity to engage in catblogging would be on those occasions when (despite my cat allergy) I visit someone who has cats. I did that over the weekend, and here’s the closest I can come to catblogging:
Notice that the cat isn’t technically blogging, but he does have lots of paper strewn about. And when I got on the Internet, he walked across the keyboard, from left to right. I didn’t have a blog entry open at the time, but if I had, it would have looked something like this:

sadmn cxz jlk
zxc ][p

I can’t promise to do this on a regular basis, but I don’t want anyone thinking I’m pussycataphobic or something.
MORE: Maybe I should just have the cat scratch this post…..



