Bush knew!

Not only did he know, but he’s got his buddy Osama stashed somewhere, ready for a staged capture just in time for the election! So says the woman running for First Lady:

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he appeared in the next month,” said Heinz Kerry, alluding to a possible capture by United States and allied forces before election day.

I think Michael Moore may be closer to the Kerrys than previously realized.
(I’d love to hear the paranoid pillow talk…..)
UPDATE: This fits right in with the husband of the would-be First Lady, who’s despicably sneering at our allies in wartime (calling the Iraqi Prime Minister a “puppet”) What Glenn Reynolds said earlier is quite apt:

This is behavior that is absolutely unacceptable coming from a Presidential campaign in wartime, and it’s not an isolated incident but part of a pattern of such behavior. Joe Lockhart should apologize for these remarks, and Kerry should fire him. Otherwise you’re going to hear a lot of people questioning Kerry’s patriotism. And they’ll be right to.

Doubtless anyone who disagrees with the Kerrys will be called a “puppet” too.
MORE: Speaking of “puppets,” here’s Kerry in 1971:

Now, if we set a date [for unilateral withdrawal], then we can still bolster the regime in South Vietnam if that is what the people want. But the important thing is that more American men will not have to go over there and become drug addicts to survive. More American men will not have to lose their limbs and have their lives unalterably changed for what is now so clearly a mistake, for something that is now so clearly illegal, that is based on so much deception.

Kerry’s “new” cries for withdrawal are looking pretty old.
MORE: Roger L. Simon contrasts the “puppet” with the man who wants to be his master:

1. Awad Allawi – a man who was once left for dead (1978) in his Surrey home after having been bludgeoned with an ax by one of Saddam’s henchman who thought he had killed him. Allawi then spent a year in a hospital. He is still said to walk with a limp and is now the object of, one would imagine, daily assassination attempts.
2. John Kerry – a man who left the Vietnam War after 4 1/2 months after having been “seriously wounded” – a description that now even his biographer finds dubious.

UPDATE: To be accurate, it was Kerry’s campaign manager who used the word “puppet.” (My mistake, although Kerry’s campaign can be assumed to speak for Kerry until he specifically disavows the statement.)



