
In the name of Allah (PBUH)!


While he obviously cannot disagree with the following passage (because after all they are Baghdad Bob’s ideas and Baghdad Bob is right!), Bob is very unhappy today to see that his ideas have been plagiarized! Yes. Stolen and parroted by an upstart heretic infidel, an American law student at a Jesuit University!

“After having the misfortune of reading Instapundit’s blog, I just have to ask how such a morally-bankrupt character has the gall to call himself an academic? I know there are laws out there protecting academic freedom, but do these laws cover hacks who do nothing but spread lies and misinformation? Every day, he posts intellectually dishonest material.
“Don’t get me wrong, I am all for debate, and always enjoy getting into intense arguments on politics, religion (I’m an atheist at a Jesuit law school). And I definitely support the open dissemination of ideas (Which is why I despised the ‘free speech zone’ at my undergrad university). Nevertheless, it scares me that such a character is allowed to openly spread lies.
“When un-educated, right-wing morons cite him, I don’t mind as much. But when people teaching at prestigious universities justify his idiocy, it makes me wonder how low those on the right have gone.”
(From Ann Althouse, via the InstaLiar himself!)

What’s the fuss about, you might ask? Why is Baghdad Bob upset about this?
It must be remembered that Baghdad Bob was the first of the important journalists and commentators to spot the lying lies told daily by the InstaLiar:

Glenn Reynolds is all about lies! All he tells is lies, lies and more lies! I have detailed information about the situation…which completely proves that what he alleges are illusions . . . He lies every day.

While Baghdad Bob obviously shares this young man’s (and his professor’s) assessment of the InstaLiar, that is no excuse for his thoughts being plagiarized. While the clever young lawyer-to-be spins and twists the ideas and words so that they sound different, the core truths are exactly the same truths as those expressed by Baghdad Bob, and they have full copyright protection even under the Satanic American laws.
Once stolen, the truths were then emailed by this self-described “Jesuit atheist” (doubtless this is a new form of infidel heresy) and posted in the blog of Professor Brian Leiter. As Joseph D. Jamail Centennial Chair in Law, Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Law & Philosophy Program, Professor Leiter certainly should know plagiarism when he sees it! Under the The University of Texas Honor System (which relies upon The University of Texas Student Standards of Conduct found in Chapter 11 of the Institutional Rules on Student Service and Activities) Professor Leiter should be required to report the “Jesuit atheist” heretic infidel student for immediate enforcement action!
Considering that the idea theft is compounded by multiple religious heresies, Baghdad Bob (PBUH) also demands that Professor Leiter make the young infidel wretch show atonement by memorizing the Koran! (Stealing is punished much more severely where Bob comes from, so this mild punishment is the least that can be expected from Professor Leiter.)
The Jesuit atheist heretic obviously knew that the truths he forged were not originally written by him, or else why wouldn’t he post his name for the world to see? As we have seen in the case of Dan Rather, the fact that the truth is stolen or forged does not alter the essential message of truth in any way.
It is Bob’s hope that after he administers punishment to this atheist upstart, Professor Leiter will be more careful in the future.
UPDATE: It has not escaped Baghdad Bob’s attention that Professor Leiter is wasting a great deal of time arguing with an admitted female minion of the InstaLiar. It is understandable that Professor Leiter would be jealous that the InstaLiar Reynolds has a much larger harem of minions than his own (the plagiarizing, “atheist Jesuit” heretic), and this doubtless accounts for the ire he has directed towards the minion not of his own harem. It hardly seems coincidental that the InstaLiar’s minion asks these questions of Professor Leiter:

Does anyone else find it ironic that the professor who started out by shaming others for onesidedness has now updated his post to publish the text of two emails that attack me and to let us know that he’s receiving a lot of email that attacks him which he’s deleting? Email attacking him has also been sent to me. Should I print a choice one to balance each one he prints about me? Because it’s all about balance in the blogosphere, isn’t it Professor Leiter?

Bob believes in balance too! The professor should first attend to his own minions — as Bob demanded yesterday! No one should be fooled by diversionary attacks against minions belonging to the InstaLiar!



