The Weekly Idiot Award

My favorite feature at Classical Values is back with a vengeance. This week’s winner? ‘Trend forecaster’ Merrill Greene:

She said the less-bare look may be a response to the world around us. “It’s a way of protecting oneself. We might feel insecure about showing off, of looking too out there and too American,” she said.

While the article doesn’t make it explicit, the logic seems to be that if you look American you may be a target in this big scary world.
Modesty: because Osama been watching.






3 responses to “The Weekly Idiot Award”

  1. Sean Kinsell Avatar

    I can say with no irony at all that guidebooks have warned people not to look too American when traveling abroad for at least the ten years that I’ve been reading them–even the messages you get if you’re on the embassy mailing list make the same point, though of course they don’t put it that way. Using that logic when getting dressed within America does seem a bit excessive, though.

  2. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Excessive is right! Injecting political spin into clothing styles is something I’ve called “fashionism” in a number of posts.
    I’ll second the award.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    I’m against appeasing our enemies. I will proudly and uncompromisingly uphold my holy values of Polytheistic Godliness, Selfishness, Sexiness against any enemy. We are at War and we must never surrender a single inch, whether of of soil or of naked thigh.