Is Dan Rather the latest victim of Reichsfuhrer Rove?

Was Dan Rather snookered by the evil Karl Rove?
While taking care to note there’s no proof (lest anyone imagine that she takes these things seriously), Maureen Dowd — in a column titled “Pre-emptive Paranoia” — nonetheless lays out the case for the Rove-as-culprit theory as plausibly as she can:

There’s no evidence – it’s just a preposterous, paranoid fantasy at this point. But it speaks to the jitters of the Democrats that they’re consumed with speculation about whether Karl Rove, the master of dirty tricks and surrogate sleaze, could have set up CBS in a diabolical pre-emptive strike to undermine damaging revelations about Bush 43’s privileged status and vanishing act in the National Guard, and his odd refusal to take his required physical when ordered.
In this vast left-wing conspiracy theory, Mr. Rove takes real evidence on W.’s shirking and transfers it to documents doomed to be exposed as phony (thereby undermining the real goods), then funnels it through third parties to Dan Rather, Bush 41’s nemesis on Iran-contra. A perfect bank shot.
The secretary for W.’s squadron commander in the Texas Guard told The Times that the information in the disputed memos is correct – it’s just the memos that seem fake.
“It looks like someone may have read the originals and put that together,” said a lucid 86-year-old Marian Carr Knox, who was flown up to New York yesterday by beleaguered CBS News executives.
She told Mr. Rather that her boss, Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, wrote a “cover-your-back file,” a “personal journal” to keep a record about the politically connected Bush in his charge. She said the contents of that mirrored the CBS documents, but she said those documents were not on the right forms and contained Army terms rather than Air National Guard argot. She confirmed that young Bush had disobeyed a direct order from Colonel Killian to take a physical.
“It was a big no-no to not follow orders,” she said, adding that the Bush scion’s above-the-rules attitude caused some snickers and resentment among fellow officers.
Those who suspect Mr. Rove note that when he was Bill Clements’s campaign strategist in a 1986 governor’s race in Texas, he was accused of bugging his own office to distract from a debate, according to James Moore and Wayne Slater, authors of “Bush’s Brain.” They said it turned the election because after that, the Democrat could not get any attention.
Was the same scenario playing out yesterday evening on CNN? After a five-minute report on the CBS memo controversy, CNN spent about 30 seconds reporting that two more marines had been killed in Iraq.
The Democratic paranoia is a measure of the intimidation the West Wing is wielding in a race where John Kerry can’t seem to take advantage of any of the Bush administration’s increasingly calamitous blunders.
The administration has been so dazzling in misleading the public with audacious, mendacious malarkey that the Democrats fear the Bushies are capable of any level of deceit.

Not that Maureen would think anything like that, of course…..
The above link was forwarded to a friend by a man upset enough to ask a question obviously on the minds of many:

Is Karl Rove any different than any of Hitler’s henchmen?

Believe it or not, there is a difference! Hitler’s henchmen were into things like direct physical contact; they behaved more like the people who surrounded Rove’s house.
But why isn’t Dan Rather saying something about Rove’s Nazi deception? Is he a willing victim of Bush’s sinister Reichsfuhrer?






3 responses to “Is Dan Rather the latest victim of Reichsfuhrer Rove?”

  1. Raging Bee Avatar
    Raging Bee

    Well, all I can say is that the Republicans who directly but covertly financed the “Swift Boat” smear clearly cannot be trusted to play by anything resembling rules of honest or decent conduct.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Well, it appears as though the “chimperor”, as DUers like to call Bush took a few days off as the witless dunce that he is portrayed as (by democrats) in order to concoct this highly elaborate scheme to frame a guilty guy (himself) in order to make Kerry look bad.

  3. Steven Malcolm Anderson (Cato the Elder) the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    Witless dunce or clever schemer? Both at once? Anyway….
    I had a nightmare about Karl Rove a couple nights ago. At one point I went up to him and compared him to Karl Marx. Later, I was being chased down several flights of stairs in a hotel by Rove and his minions, including a woman. Hmmm…. Dreams are weird, that’s all I can say.
    Hmmm…. Karl Rove —-> Karl Marx —-> Ellen Marx (“Optical Color & Simultaneity”)? A trinity? Hmmm….