Rather mortis?

I saw Glenn Reynolds on Paula Zahn’s show last night, and he opined that Dan Rather has been pretty much blogged to death.
He has, and I think he’s now in the category of the walking dead. Still, the damning stories continue to flow, like the lastest ABC reports (another bastion of the vast right wing conspiracy) showing that CBS ignored concerns raised in advance of Rather’s report by their own experts!

Sept. 14, 2004? Two of the document experts hired by CBS News say the network ignored concerns they raised prior to the broadcast of a report citing documents that questioned George W. Bush’s service in the National Guard during the Vietnam War.

It just goes on and on.
Here’s Emily Will, a document examiner from North Carolina.

“I found five significant differences in the questioned handwriting, and I found problems with the printing itself as to whether it could have been produced by a typewriter,”
“I told them that all the questions I was asking them on Tuesday night, they were going to be asked by hundreds of other document examiners on Thursday if they ran that story,”
“I did not feel that they wanted to investigate it very deeply,”

And the other document examiner:

A second document examiner hired by CBS News, Linda James of Plano, Texas, also told ABC News she had concerns about the documents and could not authenticate them. She said she expressed her concerns to CBS before the 60 Minutes II broadcast.
“I did not authenticate anything and I don’t want it to be misunderstood that I did,” James said. “And that’s why I have come forth to talk about it because I don’t want anybody to think I did authenticate these documents.”

This is looking more and more like an autopsy than a battle.
CBS should forget about damage control and look for a reliable embalmer.



