What about the public’s right to know?

Rathergate deepens.
As darkening clouds gather over CBS, the embattled Dan Rather struggles to cope. Former colleague Bernard Goldberg compares his behavior to that of Richard Nixon:

According to Goldberg, if the source ends up having a connection to the Democratic National Committee or to the Kerry campaign, it will be the biggest story of the year: “It not only sinks John Kerry’s candidacy, but it is ‘lights out’ for CBS News as we know it.”
Goldberg called it ironic that Dan Rather — a journalist who helped bring President Richard Nixon down — is now behaving like President Nixon did during Watergate.
“It’s kind of sad,” Goldberg said. He said CBS is circling the wagons, and as for Dan Rather — “he’s going to hope this goes away.”

And CBS employees are disheartened and glum. Longtime colleague Mike Wallace is not his usual self:

….at CBS headquarters in New York the anxiety level has hit the red zone, with even Rather’s allies saying they’re dazed and confused over his shaky performance.
….Another CBS source said there was increasing nervousness over the star anchorman’s decision to stonewall on an independent investigation into his dubious Guard report.
“I’ve talked to colleagues who would love to see more of a defense,” he told the Times.
Even Rather’s longtime “60 Minutes” colleague Mike Wallace found it hard to defend his embattled co-worker.
“I’m confused by some of what I’ve heard today,” he offered before insisting that if Rather’s documents were indeed forged, it was an innocent mistake.
“You’re dealing with genuine professionals. The last thing in the world that any of these people would want is to phony something,” he told the Times.

So why not at least tell the public what’s going on? What was the deal with those documents?
Doesn’t the public have a right to know?
I thought’s that’s what reporting was all about.
In fact, I still remember, way back when, a thing called “investigative journalism…..”
They can’t say I didn’t try to help!



