Spur me on!

Pandas have thumbs! A cool idea for a new blog!
I am delighted to see that Timothy Sandefur is contributing to this group effort, and I only wish I could get Justin to join me here, because two heads are better than one. Sometimes I’m all thumbs, and I need help!
Now if I could only figure out why pythons have spurs….
What was God thinking? It’s been said that women were created out of Adam’s rib, and this was certainly the hard way to do it considering the chromosomal problems involved. But the python! These useless vestiges of what in most animals would be legs…. No function whatsoever! It has been argued that they scratch each other with them when mating, but isn’t it a stretch that God would be thinking about reptilian sex? And after that same animal tempted the rib lady into making Adam eat la manzana prohibida?
Did the python earn its spurs?






4 responses to “Spur me on!”

  1. Wesley R. Elsberry Avatar

    Developmental biologist Scott Gilbert and some of his students had an interesting poster on “Adam’s Rib” at the 2001 “Interpreting Evolution” conference at Haverford College. They noted that the Hebrews were able to count, well known to employ euphemism, and knew a good deal about livestock and predators of the area, too. One thing that many mammal species feature that humans lack is the os baculum, or penis bone. These often look vaguely rib-like (check out the page at Skulls Unlimited). So, Gilbert et alia postulate that the “Adam’s rib” story is a “just-so” tale explaining why the various critters around the camps were obviously rigged, er, differently.

  2. Syephen or Starn or Storm Malcolmb Anderssonnn the Lesbian-eating pho-loving aesthete-worshipping gu Avatar

    Odin, Vili, and Ve created the first man out of an ash tree and the first woman out of an elm tree.

  3. Syephen or Starn or Storm Malcolmb Anderssonnn the Lesbian-eating pho-loving aesthete-worshipping gu Avatar

    Timothy Sandefur is excellent, and I wish he was on the Supreme Court. I read him every day.

  4. Wizbang Avatar

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