De gustibus non est disputandum!

Why are people always saying that God hates something?
And why does it always have to be about sex?
(You can’t judge a book by its cover, but because Amazon failed to include a photo, here it is, in the interest of full and complete accuracy.)
Well, I don’t care what God hates; I refuse to toe the line!
(For this inspirational Sunday idea, I am indebted to Glenn Reynolds.)
MORE: Excerpts from an interview with the artist, Robert Williams (which may — repeat may — shed some light on a cultural three-way between artistic expression, the right, and the left):

Goblin: Why do you think bohemians are attracted to lower art forms such as graffiti art, tattoo art, poster art, etc. Are they more valid or is it just easier to make money that way.
Williams: What do you call a bohemian? That’s a pretty loose term, it’s like Beatnik. There’s a lot of different ways of saying it, bohemians are from Bohemia, a bunch of people in the left bank of France. Frederick The Great had one of his top regiments made out of artists who were bohemians who turned centuries later into one of the leading regiments of the Nazi army. You won’t hear that anywhere else. “La Boheme ” is a classic story of bohemians then and bohemians now. If you’re poor and you need romance in your life to justify being a jack-off then you’re a bohemian. Then when you get a little money in your life and get a cleaner house then your bohemian life gets behind you.
Goblin: That sounds great. But do you think the religious right is the big threat right now to freedom of expression?
Williams: I think it all exists to the point now that it is a valid resistance. Let me explain that. Jesse Helms did more to support the arts than anybody. He caused so much right wing stink, and he was an old grumpy man griping about pornography. He was an easy target. Here’s an old Christian fart saying “that stuff’s terrible.” But he’s a harmless turd.
Don’t get me wrong, you can still get in trouble. If you do an album cover with a dick on it you’re still going to have the PMRC get a hold of you and give you a hard time, but by and large those rough days are over. My biggest problem is with people that are politically correct. I am increasingly policing myself not to draw minorities and be careful about the way I represent women. I’m very careful because I know I’m going to get in trouble with these people. The art world is just filled with sensitive leftists.
Goblin: Do you think they’re the new fascists?
Williams: They certainly are. The Right Wing is funny now, and I’m afraid no one really has a good take on it. It’s been beaten down into the form of fanaticism and you’re getting glimpses of it through these survivalists. They used to be outspoken and you could see what they’re doing but I think they’re beaten back. When I moved to LA it had a Nazi fascist police department that made my life miserable. They had a chief of police that was like a dictator — he died in office! When he died he had such a fascist machine in the police department they had to take the head of every department and move him over one department to break up the power. They used to be the rated fifth biggest army in the world. Now they’re so beaten back and wimpy and whiny if they’re going down the street and they see something wrong they will not stop unless they are called.

THE SEWER WIDENS: When artists (which I believe Howard Stern is) are allowed to discuss politics, trouble soon follows. Last year the FCC dared to allow Howard Stern to air an interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger without providing equal time to the “other side.” Critics responded by calling for “housecleaning at the FCC”:

?This shows how out of touch the Commission is and how beholden it is to the conglomerates that are serving up garbage on the nation?s airwaves,? said Robert Knight, director of CWA?s Culture and Family Institute.
?The FCC?s lack of enforcement of broadcast decency laws has allowed our nation?s airwaves to become virtual sewers,? Knight said. ?This ruling widens the sewer tap into our already troubled political process. It really is time for a housecleaning at the FCC.”

I’m having trouble following this logic. If Howard sticks with what they call “trash,” he’s bad. If he talks politics, he’s worse?
UPDATE: A big welcome to all visitors from InstaPundit! And my deepest thanks to Glenn Reynolds for linking to this post (which I thought was about shrimp, but which grew larger and larger until I almost thought it was about, um, taste, or ART, or even Culture, or maybe even POLITICS.)
But I will say this: just as Franklin Delano Roosevelt drew the line when they attacked his dog Fala, I will defend my right to eat shrimp — whenever, wherever, however!
(Tongue in cheek, of course…..)






7 responses to “De gustibus non est disputandum!”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    All this “God Hates Shrimp” stuff is making me hungry for it. I love shrimp. As well as clams, oysters, crab, other things forbidden in the Bible.
    One of my favorite sex fantasies used to be being embraced by a woman’s flower while she is menstruating. I once wrote a story about that, “The Triumph of the Blood”, glorifying female dominance, largely my response to Norman Spinrad’s “A World Between”.
    I don’t eat pork much though, so I guess in that respect I am somewhat kosher. I _will not_ eat ham on Easter, as that particular custom was introduced in the Middle Ages by an anti-Semitic Roman Catholic Church with the deliberate intention to affront and spite the Jews during their Passover celebration. I oppose and despise all anti-Semitism just as I oppose and despise all anti-homosexualism.

  2. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    I hope this leads to another Instalanche!
    Interesting how the word “bohemian” is coming back. I’ve noticed how a few old-style words are coming back into use, e.g., Negro, which has so much more dignity and _style_ than its more modern synonyms. Negro is a very sexy word to me. Norma. And her holy captive wife Dawn. Africa and Europe, and body and soul, body and body, soul and soul — the ultimate integration.
    Robert Knight is one of the very worst, one of the most despicable, of the professional homo-haters. That Howard Stern and Arnold Schwartzenegger are hated by such as he is a badge of honor.

  3. Eric Scheie Avatar

    Steven I think you may have some trouble getting that story published.
    Meanwhile, I will not eat green eggs and ham!

  4. Steven Malcolm Anderson the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    My Dad always loved to quote that line of FDR and his little dog Fala.

  5. C:\> the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    I’m eating some shrimp right at this very moment. A big plate of shrimp I just bought at Larry’s Market here in Bellevue, Washington (near Seattle, the West Coast Washington, not the “West Wing” Washington, I don’t even watch TV anymore). Larry’s is the best supermarket-deli-cafe I have ever been in, and it’s just a few blocks away from my home where I’m typing this.

  6. C:\> the Lesbian-worshipping gun-loving selfish aesthete Avatar

    I’m eating some shrimp right at this very moment. A big plate of shrimp I just bought at Larry’s Market here in Bellevue, Washington (near Seattle, the West Coast Washington, not the “West Wing” Washington, I don’t even watch TV anymore). Larry’s is the best supermarket-deli-cafe I have ever been in, and it’s just a few blocks away from my home where I’m typing this.

  7. […] demons were also on my mind in 2004, when I wrote about heads and crabs, Howard Stern, and examined the possible subtext underlying the hatred of shrimp — as evidenced by this intriguing […]