The pathology and etiology of “Liberalism”

…..according to Ann Coulter.
This is from a Question and Answer interview at FrontPageMagazine:

FP: Let’s move on to discuss your own personal background. Tell us, what influenced you to become a Conservative? Were there some people or events that molded your views in your childhood, youth, etc?
AC: There was an absence of the sort of trauma that would deprive me of normal, instinctual reactions to things. I had happily married parents, a warm and loving family, and a happy childhood with lots of friends. Thus, there were no neurotic incidents to turn me into a liberal.

There you have it. Liberalism is not a choice!
You learn something every day!






One response to “The pathology and etiology of “Liberalism””

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson Avatar

    Well, that was extremely interesting. Ann Coulter is my enemy, but she does still have _style_. The main difference between her and me, I think, is that I would defend her right to speak while she would put me up against a wall.
    I’ve been thinking I’m losing my sense of humor, but I found I did find her funny. Please note: Steven Malcolm Anderson has no sense of humor except sadistic and/or sardonic. I laugh _at_, not _with_. I thought I was losing even that sense of humor when I find that I’m no longer reading “The Corner” for amusement. But I did recently get a chuckle from Arthur Silber’s latest fisking of John Derbyshire.
    Etiology of liberalism? Hmmm…. I, too, grew up under a mother and father who loved each other, loved their kids (even when they had to spank us, which was often), and we lived in a wonderful neighborhood with lots of friends. But my parents were liberals! I had to become non-liberal, or liberal-conservative, on my own.