No submission from Arnold!

One brave man has finally spoken out about Arnold Schwarzenegger, and has demanded that he answer questions about moral issues:

“We are very concerned about the report of Arnold’s promiscuity and he must come forward and tell us if it stopped when was 29 or if continued” said Rev. Sheldon. — Reuters, August 30, 2003
“Californians for Moral Government said it wanted the action star to come clean and fully repent and repudiate the years of sexual promiscuity that have been reported,’ the Rev. Louis Sheldon, the group’s chairman, said Friday in a letter.” Winnipeg Sun, August 31, 2003
“Mr. Schwarzenegger must repudiate and repent, even though it’s been a quarter of a century. You do not want people thinking they can [take turns having their way with] a woman, even if she makes herself available. That is not morally right. The lust of the flesh leads to destruction.” Rev. Sheldon in The Los Angeles Times, August 29, 2003

This is interesting, because it ties right in with my long-running argument about the “penis people” — those whose lives are spent worrying about where another man puts his peepee!
The above provides documentary evidence (as if anyone really needed any) that the obsession over whether or not certain citizens are placing their private parts into the right orifices is NOT limited to homosexuals. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a heterosexual, and a Republican!
Yet still they demand to know where he puts his penis.
Actually, make that “put,” past tense. They demand to know about his past sexual conduct, and they not only want him to say he doesn’t do things like that anymore, but they insist that he REPENT. Moreover, they want him to feel guilty, as a moral example:

“We must hear from Arnold Schwarzenegger if he has repented and repudiated these past sexually promiscuous acts. As a married man and family man he must clear the air that he is not continuing in this vein from the past,” Sheldon said. “Because the governor’s office is one of gigantic role model proportion to many of our California citizens you must come forth and set the record clear. What will be your moral philosophy and role model if elected governor?”

Role model?
Putting aside the question of whether there should be role models at all, what kind of “role model” is someone who allows himself to be dictated to by the forces of shame? It is to Schwarzenegger’s credit that he has so far refused to submit any answer to these ridiculously invasive questions.
It all comes back to what Stephen Green praised as the American spirit of defiance.

Dread is for the weak; defiance is, perhaps, the American virtue.

While Stephen Green was talking about defiance in the face of Islam, he chose exactly the right word — because Islam is its nemesis and its opposite: the word “Islam” means “submission.”
I think Americans in general are getting tired of being beaten down by the forces of submission.






3 responses to “No submission from Arnold!”

  1. Steven Malcolm Anderson Avatar

    When I hear the word “moral” I reach for my revolver.

  2. Debbye Avatar

    I agree about the American people being tired of beaten down by the moralizers from both the right and the left (and actually about the revolver too, come to think of it.)
    This incessant moralizing is every bit as defeatist as dwelling on the country’s sins but overlooking its virtues.
    Long live defiance!

  3. Blogcritics Avatar

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