Yes It Does

I posted this over at Power and Control. Sort of a subtle way of saying it is my birthday. I generally don't make a big deal of it but since Eric let the cat out of the bag.... Thanks!!!!!!!!!! and hippie hugs. Oh. Yeah. I'm 66. I still feel 19. So I'm doing the 19 year old thing today. Don't ask. Because I won't tell. ;-)

Update: Sarah Palin advises me that it is also Maggie Thatcher's Birthday. Maggie has a few years on me. She is 85. My mom has her beat. Age wise. She will be 91 in a few weeks. I'm very lucky to still have her around. One of the best gifts I have gotten today. And thanks to Internet traffic making long distance more or less "free" I talked to her twice today. And I didn't have to get everything said in under three minutes. (Yeah. A "kids these days...." riff. LOL)

posted by Simon on 10.13.10 at 06:31 PM


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Happy birthday. Your writing doesn't look a day over twenty one. (In a good way.)
May you have many more. :)

Sarah   ·  October 13, 2010 09:53 PM

Well, all of a sudden I feel spring-chickeny-new!

It's a good thing you weren't born on October 6, else Eric could have completed an embarrassing cabalistic/numerological equation.

Happy Birthday. And I like Al Stewart too. :)

Casey   ·  October 14, 2010 02:40 AM

Happy Birthday!

Lurky Loo   ·  October 14, 2010 09:48 AM

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