Soros buys "Culture War" issue, and donates it to the left

Regular readers know that I consider George Soros one of the most detestable characters on the political horizon.

So, I was quite upset to read that he is supporting a cause I also support.

George Soros, the multibillionaire investor who helped bankroll three initiatives to change drug laws in California, endorsed the marijuana legalization initiative Monday and plans to make a major financial contribution to the campaign.

Soros, who invested $3 million in the medical marijuana initiative and two other measures, made his announcement in an opinion piece published online by the Wall Street Journal. "Proposition 19 already is a winner no matter what happens on election day. The mere fact of its being on the ballot has elevated and legitimized public discourse about marijuana and marijuana policy in ways I could not have imagined a year ago," Soros wrote. The article is scheduled to appear in Tuesday's print edition.

That may be the kiss of death to Proposition 19, as it shifts the debate completely. Were I running the No on 19 campaign, I would promptly start calling it "NO on the Soros initiative!" and refocus the ads by asking whether Californians want this meddlesome billionaire telling us what to do.


I've talked about this before in the context of Pat Buchanan, but there are few things more disturbing than agreeing with someone you can't stand. Knowing that this feeling is profoundly illogical only makes it worse.

From a strategic standpoint, however, Soros is doing the left a much-needed favor whether they realize it or not. His huge donation to the Prop 19 campaign will (because of the kneejerk hatred he inspires) do much to inject ugly and divisive culture war politics into an election which had otherwise been about economic issues. But most importantly, there has been talk about opposition to the war on drugs in Republican, Tea Party, and conservative circles -- specifically in relation to Prop 19. I can think of few things more calculated to hijack the issue and put it into the left wing camp than big-time backing from Soros. Regardless of whether the initiative wins, the Soros money will do much to place it on the left.

Soros is basically buying a potential right wing issue right from under their noses. Theft through financial contamination. I don't think he really cares whether it passes, though. In fact, I think if he really just wanted it to pass, he would fund it covertly and quietly, while keeping his highly inflammatory name out of it.

The man is truly sinister. But I have to admit that psychologically, it's a brilliant move.

(So much for the idea that Soros was sitting things out....)

UPDATE: Thanks to Memeorandum for the link.

posted by Eric on 10.26.10 at 10:09 AM


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Normally, if Soros supported something I support, my immediate reaction would be to re-think it. But in this case I support it without regard to his position. Soros has proven time and again that his support for various issues is borne of a desire to break this country down and rebuild it in his own image. One must always consider Soros' motives. Even if it doesn't always work in his favor.

J Milam   ·  October 26, 2010 12:41 PM

I consider George Soros one of the most detestable characters on the financial horizon. (I was in SE Asia - Thailand - when he shorted the ringgit and the baht.)

However, even those we dislike get things right some of the time. (You know the old saying about Mussolini and trains running on time.)

Kathy Kinsley   ·  October 26, 2010 06:58 PM

It is not just Soros (who has been at it for rather a long while). It is the Tides Foundation (The Kerry/Heinz Plantation). And Ariana Huffington. Just to name the biggies.

But they are not serious. What they want is agitation and "no way I'm voting for Republicans". The same thing the left did with the race question.

And the dumb Republicans are falling for it. Except for the libertarian Republicans. If the Rs don't get out in front now that the tide is changing they are fooked.

A good cop out - "drugs are bad but what is happening in Mexico is worse".

M. Simon   ·  October 27, 2010 08:30 AM

BTW to some extent the Prop 19 initiative is a moot question. Consumption of pot has been legalized by the legislature and the Governator.

All that is still illegal is manufacture and distribution.

M. Simon   ·  October 27, 2010 08:34 AM

Again and again I fail to understand conservatives' and libertarians' knocking of Soros FOR HIS FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES (not political). How dare you criticize him for shorting currencies? Are you a Marxist? Do you believe the market was manipulated? Whats your proof? I detest Soros for his political financing, but I won't knock his successful investing activities no matter how detestable they seem to a Marxist (and yes knocking "speculators" used to be a Marxist ploy, not a conservative one)

Contemplationist   ·  October 27, 2010 04:43 PM

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