I Can't Believe It - Chris Matthews Gets It

H/T Legal Insurrection

Also watch this: Biggest Trust Deficit Since 1776

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 09.16.10 at 06:59 PM


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Yes, amazing and he starts to get it. Folks will follow....they media will still promote the insiders...but the folks will figure it out. In Jan of this year I predicted the Republicans would pick up 12 senate seats and 120 house seats. Morris now says maybe 15 senate seats and 90 house seats. I think anyone who votes for a statist and send a Democrap back is a total fool. But in a democracy a fool at the helm can wreck a ship (Titantic...many told the captain to slow down...he knew better). The attacks will come quicker as we get near 11/2. The old guard will fight but the more they fight the easier it will be to figure this out. Amazing that "thrill up my leg" finally figured out Hell is a Coming....now Spit (Outlaw Jesse Whales).

Butch   ·  September 17, 2010 10:49 AM


In my wildest optimism I thought 120 in the House and 8 or 9 in the Senate. I may have even done a post on it - certainly I commented about it around the 'net.

And now that is conventional wisdom and may even be on the low side.

I'm going to go over to five-thirty-eight and see what Nate is thinking.

M. Simon   ·  September 18, 2010 11:18 AM

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