How like a dog can you get?

I'm a bit late to weigh in on the president's complaint that he's being talked about like a dog, but Glenn has a nice roundup of posts. The consensus is that the president plagiarized a Hendrix line, and that's received a lot of attention -- including from non-Hendrix-fan John Hinderaker.

I like Hendrix, and there is an obvious similarity of word choice but I don't think that ends the inquiry. As M. Simon was reminded of a Big Mama Thornton song, I suppose I have him to thank (or blame) for this flight-of-fancy post.

Music has a strange way of invoking mental associations, so the first thing Simon's Big Mama Thornton video reminded me of was not hound dogs, but the great John Lee Hooker. I made a beeline for YouTube, but alas! My favorite Hooker song ("We're All God's Chillun") was nowhere to be found.

"That's not fair!" I thought. So I had to create one. (Forgive the garbling at the beginning; my cheap-ass software doesn't convert low-bitrate mp3s to YouTube very well.)

Now, I realize that a song about how we're all God's children has nothing to do with the president's view that his critics are talking about him like a dog.

But is it really so bad to be talked about like a dog? One of my favorite topics in this blog is my dog Coco, and before that it was Puff. If I talked about the president like a dog, it would be in loving and always forgiving terms. So surely, the president cannot be including yours truly as among those who talk about him like a dog.

And what about those who talk about themselves as dogs in sympathetic terms?

Fabian's "Hound Dog Man" is a perfect example!

I think that if the president had some dog sense, he could adopt the Fabian song for propaganda purposes, and people might trust him more. What could be more heartwarming than a president who says "I wanna be your hound dog man"?

But what do I know? What the president said was "they talk about me like a dog."

Do they really? Is that strictly accurate?

To answer that, I think it is necessary to ascertain exactly how a dog talks about Obama.

Here's how one dog -- Mishka -- talks:

Surely where there's one, there are more.

I say, howl if you like Obama!

posted by Eric on 09.08.10 at 12:59 PM


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Even if Obama had 80% approval rating, and his program was sailing through Congress, his would still be the loneliest job in the world. Some helpful soul should inform him of that fact.

The Sanity Inspector   ·  September 8, 2010 05:02 PM


Thanks for the kudos.


Obama wanted to get elected (You mean I have the use of the corporate 747? I'll run.) But being President? Well Bush did it. How hard can it be?

Evidently vacations are much easier.

M. Simon   ·  September 8, 2010 06:14 PM

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