Clean Sweep
Cleaning House.jpeg

H/T for the photoshop: Hill Buzz

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 09.20.10 at 11:20 AM


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Burn the witch!

Andrew Sullivan   ·  September 20, 2010 11:32 AM

Thanks Andy. That should be good for another 10,000 votes for Christine.

M. Simon   ·  September 20, 2010 11:40 AM

Just a note: I think you may have an unclosed style or tag in this post. It's bleeding through to all the other posts on the main page.

Anonymous   ·  September 20, 2010 12:49 PM

I could see the accusations of being a witch working against her in Massachusetts.

In any case she has a ready made theme song from the Chairman of the Board:

JKB   ·  September 20, 2010 12:56 PM

O'Donnell should laugh and scoff at the witchcraft stuff and other odd old statements. Just say it was foolish but fun at the time.

She can't rationally defend or deny her words so she should not try.

She seems to be handling the problem OK.

KTWO   ·  September 20, 2010 05:08 PM


I think I fixed it before I saw your comment. Post a comment if it is still a problem.

M. Simon   ·  September 20, 2010 07:38 PM

Still happening. Looks to be an opening [center] tag rather than a closing one after the "Cleaning House.jpeg" image, from peeking at the page source.

Anonymous   ·  September 20, 2010 10:31 PM

Cleaning house is good, but she's going for the Senate.

A suggestion for clarity, and also to sweep past the witch meme, a theme from the untouchables.

If you're afraid of getting a rotten apple, don't go to the barrel. Get it off the tree.

papertiger   ·  September 21, 2010 05:50 PM

By all mean, give her as much money as you can. I want as much of your money as possible going to paying for her rent, food, and bowling nights instead of, say, her campaign or the campaigns of those like her.

By all means, contribute away!

libarbarian   ·  September 21, 2010 06:03 PM

Well that's the point isn't it. She is one of a kind.
Where as her opponent is an amalgum of the Chicago thug, and his cloying unctuous veep.

We had a dem candidate for Governor named Phil Angelides last cycle. Dude looked like a contender to knock off Arnold. He had the right blood (Hispanic), the right backing (every newspaper, TV station, Union pac), but it all fell apart when the week before the election the media, thinking they were doing the dude a favor, reported on his amazing wealth.
You see Phil came from a poor- to middle class home, went to work early for HUD (state job) and somehow parleyed a civil servant's wage into being a multi millionaire - without benefit of a visit from Ed McMahan or winning the lottery.

Then we have a Senator, she's one of the richest people in the State, but how?
She worked pro bono law, moved to the SF DA office, served as supervisor, inherited the mayors seat by benefit of assassination, then became the Senator. What part made her a multi millionaire?

Fresh from the tree.

papertiger   ·  September 21, 2010 07:41 PM

Ron Klein wants us to vote for him because he is rich and Allen West is not rich.

Ron Klein of course became rich because as a state Senator he pressured government entities such as the Palm Beach Health Care district to hire his law firm or else. And anyone who needed a favor from a Senator knew what law firm they had to use.

Col West just spent his life defending his fellow Americans in the military instead of having a lucrative career bilking taxpayers.

So vote Klein and help the rich get richer through fleecing the government.

comment from:

BTW election law says candidates can give themselves a salary. Otherwise only rich people could run for office. I suppose lib would like that. And how did Coons (DE) make his money?

M. Simon   ·  September 21, 2010 10:50 PM

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