A Ms. here and a Ms. there, and pretty soon you're talking real Msanthropy!

Noting that men are facing systematic discrimination while affirmative action for women is de rigueur, Dr. Helen discusses a book that looks at the problem:

I read a short book from Encounter Books today entitled How Obama's Gender Policies Undermine America. The book highlights how women are doing much better than men in today's America. They live longer, face a significantly lower unemployment rate, are awarded substantially more BAs, and MAs and have lower rates of incarceration, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Career feminists constantly harp on how women need government intervention and hand-holding because they are treated unfairly. For the most part, however, women in the academic world are treated better than men.
Asks Dr. Helen,
why are "fierce feminist lobbyists" largely unopposed?
I don't know why, but I thought a Ms. Magazine cover that I saw earlier might shed some light on the question.


Is the picture real or fake? Politics Daily declared it a Photoshop, but by whom? By "fierce feminist lobbyists" at Ms.?* The latter certainly seemed unapologetic in their explanation of the cover:

When the chair of the Feminist board, Peg Yorkin, and I met with Barack Obama, he immediately offered, "I am a feminist." And better yet, he ran on the strongest platform for women's rights of any major party in American history.
So maybe we have a president who is into "Msandry."

And if I consider that this makes two Mses (IMO that's the better of the correct plurals) in one day, I'm beginning to feel like a shameless Msanthrope.

AFTERTHOUGHT: Lest anyone think I'm a male chauvinist reactionary, I should point out that according to a test I took, I am a feminist. And not just any old feminist, but a total feminist:

You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man).
You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action.
As far as I'm concerned, "should be treated equally" means no affirmative action. Especially not affirmative action for women in an era when women have moved ahead of men.

* I think it's fair to point out again that some of these "fierce feminist lobbyists" have a long history of supporting bloodthirsty misandry:

...Ms. Magazine editor Robin Morgan and New York Now leader Ti-Grace Atkinson were more than ordinary misandrists; they went to far as to embrace the notorious Valerie Solanas, the psychotic who shot and nearly killed Andy Warhol, and who wrote the SCUM Manifesto -- which specifically called for "gendercide" (the killing of men -- SCUM stands for "Society for the Cutting Up of Men")
That might also explain why they're "largely unopposed."

posted by Eric on 09.21.10 at 03:34 PM


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