July 4th Bikini Edition 2010 Is Up

For those of you who take an interest in that sort of thing, this year's July 4th Bikini Edition is up. Not only do we have the latest Tactical Girls but we also have women shooting machine guns - visuals with sound. Plus the usual bevy of semi naked patriots. Men and women. And some patriotic music.

Have an exciting 4th. And let me hope your excitement brings happiness.

posted by Simon on 07.03.10 at 09:02 PM


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Good stuff, thanks and have a great Independence Day~

As you know, an 4 month, all-out political war for the future of this country starts Tuesday� all good conservatives better rest up, we�ll need to be in fine fighting form, surely got our work cut out for us

-God Bless the USA-


Reaganite Republican   ·  July 4, 2010 08:41 AM

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