La Raza

La Raza means The Race. And some people call Tea Partiers racist.

The gentleman in the video wants to take back the lands stolen from Mexico. In 1848. The war that started in 1846 was over whether Texas could join the Union ( Mexico was against it) and what the boundary with Mexico would be. I have a word of advice to La Raza in Greek. Molon labe.

You can read what Presidet US Grant had to say about the war in: Ulysses S. Grant : Memoirs. Short version: he thought it was wrong for the US to go to war with Mexico and called the US Civil War punishment for our transgressions against Mexico. I note that President Grant did not offer the territory back to Mexico. Wrong it may have been but it was a fait accompli.

The speaker in the video is a piece of work. He doesn't like Jews. He does like underage girls.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 05.12.10 at 05:17 PM


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If they want Texas back, we want reparations for the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Santa Anna first.

Phelps   ·  May 12, 2010 06:46 PM

I'm still trying to figure out how, after stealing the land from Spain (through a war of independence), who originally stole the land from the Indians, how Mexico can lay claim to land which was then successfully stolen from them.

Are they claiming their claim on this land comes from being the winners of the second-to-last war?

William Woody   ·  May 12, 2010 07:08 PM

Why does this fellow fancy that if this land were given back to Mexico he would have the freedom to shout these kinds of ideas? Why does this fellow imagine that Asia is poor? He seems like a very confused young man. Someone should set him straight. Most of the chicanos I grew up with in New Mexico, though, would have just called him a wetback or a maricon and been done with it.

@Wm.Woody: LOL. My guess here is that since most Mexicans are mestizo, their claim is that they're the *original* owners by virtue of their Indian descent.

Julie   ·  May 13, 2010 03:41 AM

If we were all one race people would still discriminate, based on, age, weight, hair color, education or lack of education,
where you live, jobs etc. it is the nature of the beast.

Hugh   ·  May 13, 2010 08:34 AM

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