Tea Party Coming To Rockford and Madison

Do you recall my recent Report From Omaha? I reported on the Tea Party Express Bus Tour's stop in Omaha. On April 6th they will be coming to Davenport, Iowa and Rockford, Illinois and Madison, Wisconsin. Here are the details for Rockford.

Rockford, IL


Tuesday, April 6th at 2:30 pm

Rally Location:
Davis Park
329 South Wyman
Rockford, IL

You can find maps at the links if you are unfamiliar with the area. Barring unforeseen events I plan to be there.

The Rockford Register Star has a story.

David Hale, coordinator of the Rockford Tea Party, said he expects about 1,000 people to show up for the Rockford rally, which begins at 1 p.m.

"This is a patriotic, musical, speaking show, really," Hale said. "This is a movement that's really fresh."

A slate of conservative speakers will take to the stage. Scheduled speakers include Adam Andrzejewski, former candidate for Illinois governor; National Taxpayers United of Illinois President Jim Tobin; and Joe Walsh, a candidate for the Illinois 8th Congressional District.

The Tea Party Express bus will arrive at 2:30 p.m.

In an e-mail to Rockford Tea Party members, Hale encouraged people to bring signs and said there could be national media coverage of the downtown Rockford rally.

"Make signs with honest and heartfelt slogans. No Obama Hitler Signs please. Please make signs. They are one of the best parts of having a Tea Party," Hale wrote. "If you think Obama is a communist, that's another story. I doubt anyone will get mad about that."

Asked why he thought it necessary to suggest the kinds of signs, Hale said the key for the movement is to stay on the party's message of limited taxes, fiscal responsibility and adherence to the U.S. Constitution.

David Hale has a page at Tea Party Patriots. You can sign up with your local Tea Party Patriot group at Tea Party Patriot Sign-Up.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 04.05.10 at 05:29 AM


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