3 Michigan Tea Parties in 1 day

Three Tea Parties in one day, and I'm back. I can't believe I went to all three!

This morning I attended a "Taking it to the Street!" meet on Haggerty Road in good old Northville, Michigan, then in the afternoon I attended a Tea Party rally in Plymouth (both of which were organized by Rattle With Us) and finally I went to the rally here in Ann Arbor -- to which the leftie crashers had been heavily solicited.

I have far too many pictures to upload them all, and while I haven't looked, I'm probably running low on hard drive space anyway. So these will just have to do as representative.

From the sidewalk in Northville, some well done signs:



And just in case anyone thinks I wasn't really there, here's proof!


Many cars were honking their approval and people were waving. A few disapproved, but they were the rare exception.

Later in the afternoon, I went to the Tea Party at Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth, where I heard author James Keena, Dr. Elder Levon Yuille, from WAAM 1600 radio, and Congressman Thaddeus McCotter, current representative for 11th District, and live music with the Skinny Raccoons a local group.

A picture of the crowd:


Here are a couple of signs I liked (and you don't have to be religious to agree that Obama is not God):


And while I'm not one to exploit baby pictures, I liked this one, because it fit with my previously discussed theme of Democrats being people who take candy from babies! (No seriously.)


That was a real Tea Party, and Plymouth is a charming heartland town. What America is all about.

Finally, it was time for the rally in Ann Arbor. As leftie websites from Daily Kos to My Barack Obama had been promising to crash the party, I came prepared with two cameras, lest I run out. (And I did run out. Of memory on one, and battery on the other.)

The rally had been scheduled for 7:00 p.m., but as the lefties promised to arrive early (which they did), this forced the organizers to arrive at 5:00 p.m. and basically wait it out lest they be pushed out and lose their space. I got there around 5:30, and the scene looked like this:




As you can see, the left-wing reactionaries were not staying in their original location away from the stage, and there were spirited debates. The most common refrain seemed to consist of repeated scoldings over the fact that "the University of Michigan is a public university!" -- which means that therefore, the anti-government protesters were "hypocrites" just for being there. (I'm still trying to figure out the logic of that one, but it seemed self apparent to them.)

One angry-looking guy was perched behind the stage, glaring at everyone in a supreme demonstration to the world that yes he can:


(But can he really?)

Then there's this guy (wearing a "WAR IS NO ANSWER" T-shirt) who kept interrupting the speakers. He thinks God will not save you if you don't have health care or something.


Then there were the smart sophisticated pseudo-surrealist signs, from the smart sophisticated pseudo-surrealist set.

This one trumpeted the crumpet lifestyle:


How amazingly cool! How chic! I would have told him he was a metaphysical innuendo, but his sophistication was overpowering, and I was too far away.

And finally, the glories of waffles, plus having a sign:


Such incisive brilliance! Such piercing wit! The parents who shelled out all that money for tuition must be so proud.

Anyway, there was no violence, and considering that spirits ran high that's commendable. Once again, I admire the courage of these students who stood up for free speech knowing there would be attempts to silence them and shout them down.

Way to go Tea Partiers! They made me proud to be an American

(I'm partied out and signing off.)

posted by Eric on 04.15.10 at 11:21 PM


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Love the Che shirt.

Rougman   ·  April 16, 2010 09:05 AM

Nice pics, great shirt.

TallDave   ·  April 17, 2010 10:38 AM

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