beyond the naked shower fights. And away from the fog...

From Ed Driscoll, here's the Quote Of The Day from Nancy Pelosi on why the health care bill should be passed:

"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
I always knew Nancy Pelosi was wacky, but I didn't know she was that far gone.

Instead of one of my usual rants about how these people have no respect for the constitutional process, I thought I'd look at Nancy Pelosi's remark in a slightly different context.

Glenn Reynolds has mentioned the leak attacks on Rahm Emanuel, Eric Massa (who seems knowledgeable about such matters) has complained about naked shower fights with Emanuel (whom he calls "the son of the devil's spawn"), and it has become clear that certain folks are determined to make him the fall guy.

I can't be sure, but I suspect that "away from the fog" is probably inside code language for something else.


Little wonder that since the above picture was taken, Pelosi has told Rahm Emanuel to (in her words) "cool it."

I smell not only a coverup, but a sexist double standard.

Seriously, can anyone imagine what would happen if Emanuel had been photographed doing exactly the same thing to Eric Massa?

MORE: Ann Althouse discusses the meaning of word "grope" and offers a definition:


1: to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search
2 : to look for something blindly or uncertainly
3 : to feel one's way

According to the definition, Nancy Pelosi's "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy" not only constitutes groping, but also a solicitation to engage in mass groping.

posted by Eric on 03.10.10 at 10:54 AM


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That nust be photoshopped.

dr kill   ·  March 10, 2010 06:10 PM

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